According to press release by GNLU two new endowment chairs have been established at the University. Under the GNLU-Navinchandra Desai Law Foundation Chair, GNLU will see a partnership with the larger legal fraternity and a progressive move towards skill development of lawyers and legal aspirants. Under the Chair, GNLU will provide assistance to lawyers and students to develop their skills and to continue legal research and publish research works and undertake internship in inter-governmental organisations. It will provide monthly stipend of INR 10,000 for a period of one year every year to a graduating student based on merits and selection process. It will provide financial assistance of INR 50,000 to a student to pursue research internship in an inter-governmental organization such as the United Nations etc. every year. It will contribute to promotion of Gujarat Law Journal and conduct public lectures and seminars by inviting scholars, judges and lawyers and such other activities as decided upon by the Chair Committee.
Navinchandra Desai Law Foundation institutes chair on legal research in GNLU
According to press release by GNLU two new endowment chairs have been established at the University. Under the GNLU-Navinchandra Desai Law Foundation Chair,