Employer bound to inform employee of his rights to compensation under Employees’ Compensation Act, at the time of employment 

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 12th April, 2017, and is hereby published for general

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 12th April, 2017, and is hereby published for general information:—


NO. 11 OF 2017 [12th April, 2017]

An Act further to amend the Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows:—

1. Short title and commencement.– (1) This Act may be called the Employee’s Compensation (Amendment) Act, 2017.

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.

2. Insertion of new Section 17A.- In the Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923 (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), after Section 17, the following section shall be inserted, namely:—

17A. Duty of employer to inform employee of his rights.– Every employer shall immediately at the time of employment of an employee, inform the employee of his rights to compensation under this Act, in writing as well as through electronic means, in English or Hindi or in the official language of the area of employment, as may be understood by the employee.”.

3. Amendment of Section 18A.– In the principal Act, in Section 18A, in sub-section (1),—

(i) in clause (d), for the word and figures “Section 16,”, the words and figures “Section 16, or” shall be substituted;
(ii) after clause (d), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—

“(e) fails to inform the employee of his rights to compensation as required under Section 17A,”;

(iii) in the long line, for the words “which may extend to five thousand rupees”, the words “which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to one lakh rupees” shall be substituted.

4. Amendment of Section 30.– In the principal Act, in Section 30, in sub-section (1), in the first proviso, for the words “three hundred rupees”, the words “ten thousand rupees or such higher amount as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify” shall be substituted.

5. Omission of Section 30A. — Section 30A of the principal Act shall be omitted.

Ministry of Law and Justice


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