Rostrum Legal : Online Certificate Course on Corporate Social Responsibility

A properly implemented corporate social responsibility concept can bring along a variety of competitive advantages, such as enhanced access to capital and

A properly implemented corporate social responsibility concept can bring along a variety of competitive advantages, such as enhanced access to capital and markets, increased sales and profits, operational cost savings, improved productivity and quality, efficient human resource base, improved brand image and reputation, enhanced customer loyalty, better decision-making, and risk management processes.
This course will prove extremely helpful for Students & Professionals from Legal & Managerial backgrounds. The purpose of this certificate Course is to provide the learner with an experience-based, integrative exposure to this emerging and dynamic field of business practice. The purpose of this Certificate Course is to provide students, Lawyers, NGOs, International Organizations and Governments who are currently involved or would like to get involved in Corporate Social Responsibility, an experience-based, integrative exposure to this emerging and dynamic field of business practice.
To discuss the role of corporate social responsibility as an essential feature of corporate policy.
To underscore the vital role of CSR in India.
To delve into the inter-relationship between the Government and corporate bodies in the particular context of education in India.
To discuss in detail the Companies Act, 2013 which mandates corporate social responsibility for companies with a prescribed turnover or net profit as provided in the Act.
This e-Learning course provides participants with
(a) compulsory reading materials;
(b) additional reading materials;
(c) bibliography of references
(d) external links to internet resources;
(e) a quiz at the end of the course to test the understanding, and also for the purpose of final assessment;
(f) online Group discussions on relevant topics, problems; are also a part of the course structure.
This course schedules an involvement of 40-hours over a period of 8 weeks and provides the participants with a number of articles which reflect their social and economic surroundings, particularly. Along with this, case studies and analysis upon those are offered too. By the end of this course, the aim is to generate better understanding among students on the issues relating to the need for CSR. They should also be competent enough to explain alternative definitions, their strengths and limitations.
There is a quiz at the end of the course which intends to help the learners self-assess their level of command. Learners who obtain a final score of 50% or more, will be awarded a certificate of completion.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: The course aims to address the needs of professionals in private companies, Students (U.G and P.G), Lawyers, NGOs, International Organizations and Governments.
Eligibility Criteria: Appearing Graduates/Graduates/ Post Graduates in any field/Corporate Employees/NGO Professionals/ Government Employees
Selection procedure: Admissions open and will be on first come first serve basis.
1. Andreia Dobrescu, Assistant teacher Romanian-American University, School of Law
2. Dr Ali Khaled Ali Qtaishat, Assistant Professor, Legal Consultant, District Manager, World Mediation Center
3. Dr EnasQutieshat, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law Philadelphia University Amman, Jordan
4. Dr MetodiHadji-Janev, Assistant Professor, International Law Goce Delcev University, Republic of Macedonia
5. Niteesh Kumar Upadhyay Founder
For more details visit :Corporate Social Responsibility

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