Call For Papers: Journal for Disability Studies and Policy Review, Vol. 1, No. I, 2017

Journal For Disability Studies And Policy Review is one of the flagship journals of National Law University, Assam. It has been established with

Journal For Disability Studies And Policy Review is one of the flagship journals of National Law University, Assam. It has been established with the objective of becoming a formidable instrument in taking the standard of legal research in country up by several notches. It is a bi-annual faculty & students-edited journal focusing on inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches towards legal writing. The Journal aims to publish articles, case comments, book reviews on all aspects of disability studies and related issues. Here the special emphasis is placed on contemporary challenges and policies of disability jurisprudence. Further believing in fact that JDSPR is only of its kind in the region, hence the issues related to North East Region are cordially invited. The Journal aims at giving the opportunity to legal academia, research scholars, students, advocates, members of nongovernmental organizations and activists working in the area of disability studies. Further as centre, we believe the active participation of persons with disabilities is most important requirement in this discourse, hence our special invitation is for people with disabilities, so that they can share their first hand experience with us. Hence, the Journal will serve as the platform for innovative thought sharing and will aim at contributing in dynamic growth of disability literature It is a faculty-student run bi-annual Refereed Journal whose primary objective is to serve as an important academic forum for disability discourse and scholarship. The review will publish scholarly articles, comments on judgments, short notes, legislative analysis and solicit reviews of latest books from renowned connoisseurs of disability studies. All submissions will undergo a rigorous editorial process. NLUA Assam welcomes contribution for the first Volume of the JDSPR from researchers, academicians, judges, jurists, practitioners, students, activists, scholars and prominent thinkers across the globe.

The Publication Committee of Journal For Disability Studies And Policy Review (JDSPR) is inviting quality research papers from Researchers, Academicians and professionals (inter-disciplinary with law and social sciences), Judges and Advocates, Research Scholars, Students. Research paper should be thematic and identification of sub-themes will be highly appreciated. It should have proper research questions and should also reflect the findings. The submission can be sent under the following category:

Research Articles: (5000 and 7000 words): Authors have to submit research papers which comprehensively examine the topic. It should reflect innovative re-assessment of the theme. It is advisable, though not necessary, to choose a theme that is of contemporary importance. Purely theoretical-analytical pieces are also welcome.

Notes/Comments: (2000 and 3500 words) This section should include a thought provoking and innovative piece consisting chiefly of personal opinions, analysis or criticism on recent development from the legal perspective.

Case/Report Comments: (maximum 2500 words) This part should entail an analysis of recent Indian or International judicial pronouncements relevant to the themes. It must identify and examine the line of cases in which the decision in question came.

Book Review: (1000-1500 words) The Reviewer should identify the relevant arguments put forth by the author and present a comprehensive analysis of the same. The Hard copy of the book must be provided. [Word limit is inclusive of footnote].

Guidelines for Submission:

  1. Submissions should be in Times New Roman, 12 fonts with 1.5 line spacing,
  2. Justified text and 1 inch margins on all sides of an A4 sheet.
  3. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10-font size with 1.0 line spacing.
  4. Endnotes/Bibliography and in-text citations are not allowed.
  5. Headings should follow the following standard:
  • Title of the submission: Upper-case, bold, font size 14
  •  Headings: Upper-case, bold, font size 14
  • Sub-Headings: Title-case, bold, font size 12
  • Sub-Sub-Heading: Title-case, italics, font size 12
  • Submissions must contain an Abstract (250-300 words) that outlines the main questions or themes addressed in the paper followed with five keywords.

6. The Research Paper has to be submitted along with a Covering Letter, addressed to Mr. Sachin Sharma, Coordinator, Centre for Disability Studies and Health Laws, National Law University Assam.

7.Submissions must be emailed at (only in .docx format). The cover letter should include the author’s profile.

8.The submission must be the original work of the author and must not have been submitted elsewhere or pending review.

9.Co-authorship is allowed. Maximum number of co-author for a submission shall only be one.

10.Mode of citation will be OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities), latest edition.

11.For further queries kindly e-mail at and can also check centres web page: & university website:

12. 31st July 2017 is the last date of submission.

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