Jadhav’s Case: ICJ fixes time-limits for filing of the initial pleadings

International Court of Justice: The President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has, by an Order dated 13 June 2017, fixed

International Court of Justice: The President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has, by an Order dated 13 June 2017, fixed the time-limits for the filing of the initial pleadings in Kulbhushan Jadhav’s Case. India has to file its Memorial by September 13, 2017 while Pakistan is required to file a Counter-Memorial by December 13, 2017.

On June 8, 2017, a meeting was held by the President of the Court with the Agents of the Parties, pursuant to Article 31 of the Rules of Court. The Agent of India had pleaded that each Party be granted a period of four months for the preparation of its pleading;  and whereas the Agent of Pakistan had indicated that periods of two months would be sufficient. The President had fixed time-limits taking into account the views of both Parties. The subsequent procedure has been reserved for further decision. [India v. Pakistan, No. 168, Order dated 13 June, 2017]


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