16 law and inter-disciplinary research projects under progress at GNLU

Building upon various innovative and traditional research subjects and tools, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), strengthens and heralds a unique research culture


Building upon various innovative and traditional research subjects and tools, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), strengthens and heralds a unique research culture for the university itself and national law universities and institutions, imparting mainly 5 year integrated LLB programs. In pursuance of the same, GNLU is currently pursuing 16 research projects under the kind grant received from the Law Department of the Government of Gujarat as well as University research budget.

These research projects are an inter-disciplinary blend of subjects that require further exploration through policy interventions as well as contemporary issues that require further attention. The objective of these research projects is to identify the lacunae in the existing legal and regulatory as well as social structures and thereafter suggest ways to bridge the gaps. At the same time the research projects also delve into niche areas that require in depth study and analysis to attain optimum utilisation of the country’s resources. By undertaking these projects, the Research faculty of the University aims precisely to contribute to the nation’s development agenda.

Led by faculty members and pursued in collaboration with other universities and research institutions, the research projects cover contemporary and most importantly futuristic research themes. These are

1. Police Accountability and its Impact on the Governance of Criminal Justice System;

2. Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Promotion of Inclusive Development;

3. Sensitizing and Creating IP Awareness among Academicians;

4. Confronting the Security Challenges & Enhancing the Effectiveness of Criminal Justice System;

5. Creation of Compendium on Legal Education Institutes;

6. A study on the factor competitiveness of emerging IFSC GIFT (Gujarat) vis a vis Advanced International Financial Centres; and,

7. Climate-smart Agriculture;

8. Harnessing Biodiversity & Nutrition by Postharvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables;

9. Sports Governance and Policy in India;

10. Primary Care Takers and Inter-parental Cross-border Child Custody Disputes;

11. Digital Financial Literacy through Digital India;

12. State Practices on Benefit Sharing under United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;

13. Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Inclination among Undergraduate Students of Ahmedabad City;

14. Key Development in Biotechnology and its Impact on the Society;

15. Statutory Framework and Functioning of Tribunals, Commissions & Authorities in India;

16. Mapping the Maritime Foreign Relations of Ancient Gujarat: A Legal, Political and Economic Analysis.

The outcomes of the research projects will be presented to the Government and relevant stakeholders.

For more information on GNLU research projects, you may contact Professor Ranita Nagar, Dean of Research and Publications (rnagar@gnlu.ac.in) or visit GNLU research webpage http://gnlu.ac.in/research.php.

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