5th NLUO International Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition

Reported by Avinash Gautam

The 5th NLUO International Maritime Arbitration Law Moot Court Competition was held from 30th March – 1st April, 2018. This edition witness 23 team from all around the country (which is the highest participation in the history of this competition). In addition to carrying the high repute, the competition this year received immense support from its “Knowledge Partner” EBC and SCC Online for providing awards in form of books and SCC Online access cards and stationary items and “Associate Sponsor” Bose & Mitra & Co. for providing 6 internship slots to the finalists.

Inaugural Event

The evening of 30th March witnessed the orientation-cum-inaugural of the 5th NLUO IMAM. The faculty advisor and convenor of “The Moot Society” delivered opening speeches. Apart from the orientation, an extremely welcomed addition which was made to this year’s IMAM was the introduction of “penalty appeals”, which has been recently started and followed in a few universities in India. The introduction of “penalty appeals” system, essentially reinforces the transparency and allows the teams to know their exact memorial deductions.

Preliminary Rounds

23 teams argued vigorously over the course of 3 sessions, on 31st March to make to top 8 of the competition. The teams in preliminary rounds faced a learned 3 judges bench in each court room.

Quarter finals and Semis

Team which made it to top 8 were:

ILS, RGNUL, NLIU, RMLNLU, Amity Law School, Delhi, GNLU, NLSIU, NLUD (in no particular order).

The list further boiled down to top 4 for semi-finals on 1st April, 2018 which included:

Semi Finals 1: RMLNLU v. RGNUL

Semi Finals 2: ILS v. NLIU


The teams which made it to final were: RGNUL v. NLIU.

The bench for final of the competition witness legal luminaries in the field of Maritime and Arbitration laws. The bench comprised of the following judges:

Justice B.R. Sarangi (Sitting judge of Orissa High Court)

Justice V.V.S. Rao (Retd. Judge, Andra Pradesh High Court)

Mr. Ajay Thomas (Vice-Chairperson, ICC group of Arbitration, India)

Mr. Amitava Majumdar (Managing Partner, Bose & Mitra & Co.)

Mr. Sameer Shah (Practising Arbitrator; Director- CIArb)


With the end of final rounds, the following were the results of the 5th NLUO International Maritime Arbitration Law Moot Court Competition:

The award for Best Oralist – Romit Kohli from NLUD

The award for Best Memorial – RMLNLU

The Runners-up – RGNUL

The Winners – NLIU

For more details:




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