Report on 2nd Dr. Gurjeet Singh Memorial National Moot Court Competition, 2018

Reported by Khushboo Damani

The 2nd Dr. Gurjeet Singh Memorial National Moot Court Competition is the 2nd National Moot Court Competition organised by National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam in collaboration with UNICEF, Office for Assam and SCC Online and Eastern Book Company as Knowledge Partners. The competition is named in memory of the founder Vice-Chancellor Dr. Gurjeet Singh, who left for his heavenly abode on 1st April, 2017. Our collaboration with one of the UN Organisation (UNICEF, Office for Assam) was one of the main attraction of the event, by which it became the first ever National Moot Court Competition in the nation in collaboration with UNICEF.

This time the Competition had a record 28 Team that registered (27 participated) from reputed law schools across the nation. It was a three-day event- from 20th to 22nd April, 2018. The moot problem was released about 2 months prior to the competition. It was pleasant to see teams from ADAMAS University, School of Law and Justice, Aligarh Muslim University, Faculty of Law, Amity University, Kolkata, Christ University, School of Law, CNLU, Patna, DSNLU, Vishakhapatnam, GNLU, Gandhinagar, ICFAI University, Dehradun, ICFAI University, Tripura, Jalpaiguri Law College, JCC Law College, Jorhat Law College, KLE Society’s Law College, Lloyd’s Law College, Greater Noida, MNLU, Mumbai, MNLU, Nagpur, NUSRL, Ranchi, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sastra Deemed University, School of Law, Symbiosis Law School, Pune, Tezpur Law College, TNNLS, Trichy, UILS Panjab, University of North Bengal, Department of Law, University School of Law Research, UPES Dehradun, Faculty of Law, Uttranchal University, Law College Dehradun.

We continued our first time initiative of 1st edition of GSM NMCC of separate moot problem for semi-finals and finals and the competition of student adjudicators in this event also, but this time the problem for the semi-finals and finals was given beforehand for which they were not supposed to submit the memorandum. The teams were only asked to present oral arguments. This time we had 8 student adjudicators from the University, who directly appeared in Quarter finals.

The inauguration of 2nd Edition of Dr Gurjeet Singh Memorial National Moot Court Competition was held on 21st April, 2018. The Researchers’ Test and Draw of Lots started simultaneously on the same day. The team members were looking very enthusiastic for that.

The next day witnessed the progression of the preliminary rounds and Quarter Final Rounds, where the judges had taken acute measures to test the acumen of the participants. There was a tough competition amongst the teams. The teams from MNLU Mumbai, NUSRL Ranchi, UILS Punjab and Uttaranchal University qualified for semifinals. Next day witnessed the semi-final rounds and ultimately teams from UILS Punjab and Uttaranchal University marched to finals along with Ms. Filzah Belal and Mr. Mehul Shah booking their adjudicators seat for Finals.

The Final round was judged by Hon’ble Mr. Jusitce Ujjal Bhuyan, Judge Gauhati High Court who was accompanied by 4 senior advocates namely, Mr. Angshuman Bora. Mr K K Mahanta, Mr Hasibur Rehman and Mr. Probal Mukherjee. It was a treat to see the finals where both teams did exceptionally well by often responding back to the tricky questions raised by the judges and the student adjudicators while grilling the participants.

The defending champions of 1st GSM NMCC, UILS Punjab were adjudged as the winner again and Uttaranchal University was subsequently adjudged the Runners Up and were awarded with cash prizes of Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 20,000 Respectively. The Best Student Counsel went to Sakshi Tyagi from Uttaranchal University with a cash prize of Rs 5000. The Best Memorial award was grabbed by the team from CNLU, Patna along with a cash prize of Rs. 5000. The best Researcher award went to Mukund Joshi from MNLU, Mumbai. And finally the Best Student Adjudicator was awarded to Ms. Filzah Belal with a Cash Prize of 5000 and Second Best Student Adjudicator was awarded to Mr. Mehul Shah with a cash Prize of Rs. 3000.

The competition was wrapped up with a social dinner. In the end, the Moot Court Committee of NLUJAA lets SCC Online and EBC know of its heartfelt gratitude for being encouraging and extremely helpful sponsors. We hope to see an even greater participation for the third edition and make it an equally greater experience to everyone associated with the competition right from the sponsors to the volunteers.

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