TNNLS | Centre for Labour and Development inaugurated

Reported by Supriyo Ranjan Mahapatra

The Tamil Nadu National Law School is proud to announce the inauguration of the Centre for Labour and Development (CLD) in addition to its already existing Centre for Research and Writing (CRW) and Centre for Competition Law (CCL).
The Centre for Labour and Development is intended to promote interdisciplinary research in various aspects of labour law, employment relations, and theories and programs of law and development. The Centre aims to conceptualize contemporary issues in labour law in terms of the interactions between law and social and economic development, including the study of development policies and programs, and the evolution of labour law within this context. Overall, the Centre shall be focusing on the following objectives:

  • Undertake independent research on labour and employment law, focusing on important and contemporary issues such as expanding and developing labour regulations in the formal and informal sector, emerging sectors of employment, intersections between labour/employment relations and caste, gender and ethnicity, occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination laws, trade unions/alternative modes of labour organization, and welfare laws.
  • Improving interdisciplinary research work, especially on issues that have a common ground in law, labour relations and development.
  • Examine the developments in labour jurisprudence around the world, and undertake the study of the jurisprudential and constitutional values and ideas that underlie this jurisprudence.
  • Engage with academics and practitioners in the field of labour law and facilitating an academic environment that values interest and accomplishments in research-based work, for both the student community and faculty.
  • Dissemination of research outputs among consumers of such research through regular academic conferences, seminars, and the publication of research papers, journal articles.
  • To develop ethical research practices, student and faculty development programs, and strategies for research in labour and employment law.
  • To promote and encourage the development of creative and useful pedagogical methods in labour and employment law, improving course materials, and maintaining and expanding existing data and research repositories in labour jurisprudence.
  • Ensure a steady flow of research and publications from both the student community and faculty focusing on labour and employment law and law and development.
  • To work with the Vice Chancellor and other academic research centres at the University to facilitate the development of courses at the undergraduate and post-graduate level on labour and employment law.

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