NALSAR | Prof. Prabhat Patnaik – Talk on Capitalism and Petty Production [Aug 4, 2018]

Reported by Theja Saai

Prof Prabhat Patnaik will be giving a talk on “Capitalism and Petty Production”, in which he will also talk about Demonetization and GST.

Date and Time: August 4 (Saturday), 11.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.

Venue: SAARC LAW Centre

Speaker’s Bio: Prof Prabhat Patnaik is an Indian Economist and political commentator. He joined the Faculty of Economics and Politics of the University of Cambridge, UK in 1969 and was elected a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. In 1974 he returned to India as an associate professor at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP) at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He became a professor at the Centre in 1983 and taught there till his retirement in 2010. At the time of retirement, he held the Sukhamoy Chakravarty Chair in Planning and Development at CESP.

He passed his B.A. with Economics Honours from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. He went to Oxford University in 1966 on a Rhodes Scholarship and studied at Balliol College and later at Nuffield College. He obtained his B.Phil and his D.Phil. degrees from Oxford University.

His specialization is macroeconomics and political economy, areas in which he has written a number of books and articles. His books include Time, Inflation and Growth (1988), Economics and Egalitarianism (1990), Whatever Happened to Imperialism and Other Essays (1995), Accumulation and Stability Under Capitalism (1997), The Retreat to Unfreedom (2003), The Value of Money (2008) and Re-envisioning Socialism (2011). He is the editor of the journal Social Scientist.

He served as the vice-chairman of the Kerala State Planning Board from June 2006 to May 2011. He was part of a four-member High-power Task Force of the United Nations (U.N.) to recommend reform measures for the Global Financial System, which was chaired by Joseph Stiglitz and was set up as a response to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-08.

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