NLU Jodhpur announces 1st Inter-University Constitutional Law Judgment Writing Competition

Reported by Srishti Rai Chhabra

About: The Constitutional Law Society at National Law University, Jodhpur in furtherance of its initiative of encouraging debate and discussion in the subject of Constitutional Law is organizing the First Inter-University Constitutional Law Judgment Writing Competition [“Competition”]. The objective of this Competition is to enable the students to approach a factual matrix from the point of view of a judge, apply the law and render a judgment. The student shall be expected to think like a judge and reach a well-reasoned conclusion.


  • The Competition shall be open for the students currently pursuing their Bachelor’s Degree in law i.e. 3-Year LL.B. course or 5-Year LL.B. course from any recognized university/school in India.
  • Individual participation as well as participation in a team of two i.e. co-authorship is allowed.
  • There is no restriction on the number of entries from any college or university.
  • The participants shall be provided with a factual matrix (follow the link at the end) and would be required to write a judgment based on the same.
  • The participants shall write a single opinion. Multiple opinions/dissenting opinions are not allowed.

Important Dates/ Timeline

  • Release of the Hypothetical: 11th September, 2018
  • Last date for the Consent of Participation: 30th September, 2018
  • Last day for seeking Clarifications: 10th October, 2018
  • Release of the Official Clarifications: 20th October, 2018
  • Submission of Manuscripts: 15th December, 2018
  • Declaration of results: Last week of January

*Kindly note that the timeline is tentative and subject to change.

Prizes: The participants securing the first three positions i.e. First, Second and Third shall be felicitated with the following prizes:

  • Late Sri. K.R. Viswanatha Iyer Award: Late Sri. K.R. Viswanatha Iyer was a leading trial court lawyer in Nadapuram in the state of Kerala. He was a distinguished jurist and a doyen of the Bar. He worked closely with Late Justice Krishna Iyer on several matters. The award includes the cash prize of Rs. 15,000/- and shall be awarded to the first position holder. The award has been instituted by Mr. K.V. Viswanathan, who is a reputed Senior Advocate at the Supreme Court of India.
  • Second Position: Rs. 10,000/- (sponsored by the Eastern Book Company)
  • Third Position: Rs. 5,000/- (sponsored by Advocate P.S. Narasimha, Additional Solicitor General of India.

In addition to the cash prize, all the above prize winners shall also get a copy each of the Constitution of India-Coat Pocket Edition and One-year access to the EBC Learning platform worth Rs. 5,000.

Rules and Regulations: The format and the assessment criteria of the submissions are mentioned in the Rules and Regulations of the Competition. The students shall send their consent for participation and submit their judgments in the format provided in the aforementioned Rules and Regulations. The participants are required to strictly adhere to the Rules and Regulation of the Competition.

Contact: For any further information/clarification, kindly send an email to or contact Mr. Swapnil Tripathi (Convenor, Constitutional Law Society) at +91 7568919894.

View the Compromis

View the Rules and Regulations

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