NUALS | Call for Posts: The IP Site-NUALS Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR)

Reported by Priyadarsini T P

The Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) is inviting entries and posts for its official blogsite, The IP Site including research papers, articles, essays, highlights of issues of current importance, book reviews, criticisms of judgments and legislations, or submissions on contemporary and novel practices and concepts, pertaining to the field of Intellectual Property Law.”

Here are a few rules you need to follow when you make your submissions:

1. Format- 

Blog entries must strictly be in English and in electronic form. They are further to be submitted in .doc /.docx /.odt formats only. 

2. How to send them- 

They shall be mailed to The mail accompanying the submission shall include the name, mail-id and contact number of the author. Co-authorship is permitted, to the limit of 2 authors, in which case, the aforementioned details of both of whom, shall be included in the accompanying mail.

3. Word limit- 

Submission shall not exceed 900 words, excluding endnotes. Only endnotes are permitted, hence submissions shall not contain footnotes.

4. Presentation

  Submissions are to be made in Times New Roman font, font size-12, line spacing-1.5 and endnotes font size-10.

5. Disqualifications– Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) shall entail immediate disqualification.

6. Only the first communication of your submission shall be considered, hence multiple submissions of the same entry, with or without modifications, shall not be acknowledged.

7. Kindly submit the duly filled Declaration Form attached below, along with the mail accompanying the submission. For Declaration Form, refer Declaration Form

Feel free to e-mail regarding any clarifications you seek to make in this regard.

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