Call for Blogs: RGNUL Student Research Review on Data Protection Laws: A cross jurisdictional analysis

Reported by Vijaya Singh

The  Personal  Data Protection Bill,  set to be  tabled  in the Indian parliament  in its recent winter session,  is based  on similar lines  as most of the Data Protection laws. Therefore, through the instant blog a comparative analysis of various Data protection legislation is sought.


  1. EU,  India,  USA  and  China:  A  comparative  analysis  of  Data  Protection Rules/Regulations
  2. GDPR and its effect on Global Trade
  3. Data Protection Impact Assessment
  4. Non-Consensual Data Processing under Data Protection Laws
  5. The Data Protection Authority under GDPR vis-à-vis authority under PDP Bill 2018 (India)
  6. Ramifications of GDPR on Social Networking Sites
  7. Transfer of Data under GDPR and PDP Bill 2018
  8. Jurisdictional Challenges inherent in Data Protection Laws
  9. Standard Clauses  for  Data-Protection:  Right  to  be  Forgotten,  Right  to Portability, Data Localization, Notice-Consent and Data Minimization.
  10. Need for Data Protection.

The submissions are,  however, not restricted to the aforesaid sub-themes,  provided they fall within the ambit of the main theme.

Instructions for Authors

  1. All submissions must be in Garamond, font size 12, spacing 1.5.
  2. All endnotes should be in Garamond 10, single-spaced.
  3. Margins: Left 1.5 Inch, Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch and Bottom 1 Inch.
  4. Word Limit for each post is a maximum of 1500 words (Exclusive of endnotes).
  5. Please ensure inclusion of endnotes instead of footnotes. A uniform style of Citation is necessary for acceptance.
  6. All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.

Submission Guidelines and Procedure

  1. The  manuscript  should  be  accompanied  by  a  cover  letter  specifying  the author’s  name,  designation,  institute,  contact  number,  and  e-mail  for  future reference.
  2. All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  3. The manuscripts must be e-mailed to
  4. The subject should be titled “Submission for RSRR Blog Series Issue”.
  5. All selected entries shall be published on the RSRR Blog Series.
  6. An  E-Certificate  will  be  awarded  to  each  author  whose  submission  will qualify to be published as a blog.
  7. Co-authorship of maximum of 2 is permitted.
  8. The  author(s)  bear  sole  responsibility  for  the  accuracy  of  facts,  opinions  or views stated in the submitted Manuscript.
  9. In the case of gross plagiarism found in  the contents of submitted manuscript, the manuscript shall be subject to rejection.
  10. Copyright of all blog posts shall remain with RSRR. All Moral Rights shall vest with the author.


The last date of submission is 15 December 2018.


In the case of any query, contact at

Or contact: Managing Editor-     Yavanika Shah (9872466478)

Executive Editors-    Aryan Babele (9926041054); Shrey Nautiyal (7988767598)

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