Call for Papers | NUALS CIPR The IP Law Review Vol 1

Reported by Priyadarsini TP

The Centre for Intellectual Property under the aegis of the National University of Advanced Legal Studies welcomes submissions for the first volume of the Intellectual Property Law Review. With the objective to make meaningful contributions to the field, we encourage our authors to explore contemporary issues and areas often overlooked relating to intellectual property law and policy.
The Intellectual Property Law Review is a student-edited, peer-reviewed, double blind and open access journal. We invite contributions from practitioners in the legal profession, undergraduate and post-graduate students, researchers and academicians in the form of articles, essays, notes, commentaries and reviews.
– Articles: (5000 – 7000 words)
– Essays: (3000 – 5000 words)
– Notes, Comments and Reviews: (1000 – 3000 words)
These word limits are inclusive of footnotes.
  1. All submissions are to be made in electronic form and must be sent to on or before 16th January, 2019, 11:59 PM. No other form of submission shall be accepted.
  2. All submissions must include an abstract not exceeding 500 words.
  3. A separate document providing a brief note including the following information: Name, Address, Postal Address, Name and Address of Institution, Course of Study (if applicable), Academic Year.
  4. The manuscript itself should be free of any identification of the author.
  5. Co-authorship is limited to two.
  6. By submitting the article, the author undertakes that the article is an original work and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
  7. All submissions will be subject to a plagiarism check at the first stage of evaluation. If a work is found to be not original or plagiarised, it stands rejected at the first instance.
  8. Receipt of submission shall be intimated within one week of the authors’ submission.
  9. A minimum period of three months from the final date for submission of articles is reserved before the communication of acceptance is made to the author.
  1. All submissions must be made in Word Format (.doc)/(.docx).
  2. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, size 12 with 1.5 spacing.
The Bluebook (20th ed.) is to be followed for the citation format. Footnotes should also be in Times New Roman, size 10 and single spacing.
For any queries, contact us at or:
+91 – 8606458450 (Anjanaa Aravindan)
+91 – 8197874621 (Pranav Pillai)

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