Theme: “Metamorphosis: From An Extensive To An Evolutionary Constitution”

The concept of Transformative Constitutionalism materializes at two levels. On one level, Transformative Constitutionalism facilitates the idea that the Grundnorm of the land itself is an evolving document. And this transformation is brought about either by an enactment amending the Constitution according to the needs and exigencies of the milieu, or by a new interpretation given to the letter of the Constitution by the courts in order to bring it in conformity with its spirit. On another level, this transformative document becomes a catalyst of societal change. It induces a change in the social and political institutions of a country towards a democratic, participatory and egalitarian direction.

The RSRR Journal invites papers for Volume 5 Issue 1 from academicians, practitioners, legal luminaries and students on the topic “Metamorphosis: From An Extensive To An Evolutionary Constitution”. A proposal on the said topic has been prepared by the Editorial Board of RSRR as attached with the mail.

Submission Categories

The RSRR invites papers under the following categories:

  • Articles (5,000 to 10,000 words)
  • Short Notes (3,000 to 8,000 words)
  • Case Comments (3,000 to 5,000 words)
  • Normative Law Articles (3,000 to 5,000 words)

Articles: A comprehensive and thorough analysis of issues related to the theme of the Journal. The word limit for articles is between 5,000 to 10,000 words.

Short Notes: These should contain brief, terse and pointed arguments revolving around a specific, current issue or an issue of importance which may have not received due research. The word limit for short notes is between 3,000 to 8,000 words.

Case Comments: An academic writing that analyses or is a critique of a recent case. The word limit for commentaries is between 3,000 to 5,000 words.

Normative Law Articles: The Law Review will explore the opinion of students relating to the specific legislations involved in the theme of the Journal. It seeks to bring out a student’s view on how a particular Legislation or Legislative Provision should have been drafted to bring out clarity into the law. The article must first state briefly the Legislation/Legislative provision and then suggest what changes can be adopted in it. Should you have reason to believe that the particular legislation requires some amendments, you are welcome to DRAFT and/or AMEND the provisions or you can re-draft the entire law if so, be the requirement. Arguments must be logical and can take into account aspects such as Sociological, Political, and Economic implications of the law. Word Limit shall not exceed 5,000 words.

Instructions for Authors

  • All submissions must be in Garamond, font size 12, Spacing 1.5.
  • All footnotes should be in Garamond 10, single-spaced and should conform to the Standard Indian Legal Citation. (Get your free copy from at
  • Margins: Left 1.5 Inch and Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch and Bottom 1 Inch.
  • All the word limits are exclusive of footnotes.
  • Co-authorship is allowed up to 2 authors.
  • All submissions must be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 10% of the word limit subject to a maximum of 200-250 words.
  • The paper should be accompanied with a covering letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number and e-mail for future reference.
  • All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format only.
  • The papers must be e-mailed at, with the subject “Submission for Volume 5 Issue 1 – Type of Submission (Article/Short Note/Case Comment/Normative Law Articles)”.
  • The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated in the submitted paper. In case of any gross plagiarism found in the contents of submitted paper, the Manuscript shall be subject to rejection.

Submission Deadline

The Last Date for submissions is 10th February, 2019 by 11:59 P.M. (Indian Standard Time).


The RSRR Journal shall retain all the copyrights arising out of any publications and only the moral rights will vest with the author.


For more details about the RSRR, visit

For any further queries, you can contact the Editorial Board at

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The following people can be contacted:

Managing Editor: Yavanika Shah (9872466478)

Executive Editors: Aryan Babele (9926041054), Shrey Nautiyal (7988767598)

For more details, click HERE

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