Call for Papers: Ashok Kumar Memorial Wildlife Law and Enforcement Conference [March 11-12, Pune]

Reported by Rupesh Jain

The legendary Ashok Kumar, known as the father of wildlife crime control in India made several game-changing contributions, particularly against the illegal trade in wildlife and its derivatives, during the course of a conservation career spanning five decades. While he was not a trained lawyer he specialized in wildlife Law at the policy and practice level.

He fought and won several noteworthy cases – be it keeping the infamous poacher and wildlife trade kingpin Sansar Chand behind bars, or saving the wetlands in UP from a World Bank-funded construction project, or procuring orders to move an irrigation colony out of Corbett NP – and even argued some cases personally in the Delhi High Court.

As a tribute to the man who spearheaded the movement against wildlife crime, The Ashok Kumar Memorial Wildlife Law and Enforcement Conference will be in held in Pune, INDIA at the Institute of Environment Education and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth University on 11 and 12 March 2019.

This Conference is jointly organized by the Wildlife Trust of India, New Delhi INDIA, Institute of Environment Education and Research and New Law College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune INDIA in collaboration with Chair, International Master of Environmental Science Programme, University of Cologne, GERMANY and the Stetson University College of Law’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, USA.

The conference brings together enforcement, wildlife law and wildlife experts from the governmental, NGOs, and academic sectors. Papers are invited on the following aspects of enforcement and wildlife law:

National Policy and Legal Frameworks to curb wildlife trade Wildlife law enforcement: New approaches Wildlife trade: Challenges across the borders Capacity building for wildlife law enforcement Wildlife Forensics and the law Biodiversity, law and wildlife protection

Papers on other related topics will also be considered. The best papers will be published in a special edition of the Bharati Law Review (a UGC recognized journal) brought out on the occasion.

To be considered, please submit an abstract of your paper and a brief biography to on or before 25th January 2019.

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