Raj HC | Petition dismissed since grievance agitated in the petition was not set forth by petitioner at relevant time

Rajasthan High Court: The Bench of Alok Sharma, J. dismissed the current petition since grievance agitated in the petition was not set

Rajasthan High Court: The Bench of Alok Sharma, J. dismissed the current petition since grievance agitated in the petition was not set forth by the petitioner at the relevant time.

The facts of the case are the petitioner having passed the written examination for appointment to the post of Constable under the Rajasthan Police Subordinate Service Rules, 1989 was called for the Physical Standard Test (PST) and thereafter required to participate in the Physical Efficiency Test (PET). The running track was muddied for reason of heavy rains which resulted in obstructing the petitioner’s performance up-to his potential and his resultant failure thus he sought another opportunity.

The Court dismissed the petition relying on Revant Ram Meghwal v. State of Rajasthan, SBCWP No. 13731 of 2018 stated that there was nothing on record to show that any grievance as agitated in this petition was set forth by the petitioner at a relevant time. Further, there was nothing on record to establish that the running conditions of the track at Jaipur when the petitioner’s PET was held, was not suitable for the test being held. [Peetambar v. State of Rajasthan, 2019 SCC OnLine Raj 140, Order dated 14-02-2019]

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