UGC [Institutions Deemed to be Universities] Regulations, 2019

PREAMBLE No. F. 1-2/2018 (CPP-I/DU)—To regulate, in an orderly manner, the process of declaration of institutions of academic excellence as Deemed to


No. F. 1-2/2018 (CPP-I/DU)—To regulate, in an orderly manner, the process of declaration of institutions of academic excellence as Deemed to be Universities; and, further to maintain quality of higher education imparted by Institutions Deemed to be Universities consistent with the ideals of the concept of a University; the University Grants Commission, in exercise of powers conferred under clauses [f] & [g] of subsection [1] of Section 26 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, hereby, makes the following Regulations namely:-


1.1 These Regulations may be called the UGC [Institutions Deemed to be Universities] Regulations, 2019.

1.2 These Regulations shall apply to every institution seeking declaration as an Institution Deemed to be University, as also, albeit prospectively, to an institution which has been declared as an Institution Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956.

1.3 They shall come into force with effect from the date of their notification in the Official Gazette.

1.4 These Regulations shall replace the UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations, 2016.


In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:

2.01 “Act” means the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 [Act 3 of 1956].

2.02 “Campus” means campus of the Institution Deemed to be University at its headquarters, wherein its major facilities, faculty, staff, students and its Academic Departments are located in a city /town/village in India; and includes all the campuses situated in the same territorial jurisdiction.

2.03 “Commission” means the University Grants Commission (UGC) constituted under the Act.

2.04 “Category” means the category of Institution Deemed to be University under theUniversity Grants Commission (Categorization of Universities (only)for the Grant of Graded Autonomy) Regulations, 2018; and “Category I” and ”Category II” shall be construed accordingly.

2.05 “Constituent Institution” means an institution operating under the administrative, academic and financial control of the sponsoring body and declared as such under the Notification.

2.06 “Constituent Unit” means unit(s) of the Institution existing on the date of submission of proposal to be declared as an Institution Deemed to be University.

2.07 “De-novo Institution” means an institution with the focus on teaching and research in unique and ‘emerging areas of knowledge’ so determined by the Commission after a due process,

2.08 “Emerging area of knowledge” in the context of De-Novo Institutions means such specialized/niche areas of knowledge which are considered desirable and useful and not usually imparted in the country.

2.09 “Expert Committee” means a Committee consisting of academics or other experts in the relevant fields of knowledge or practice to be nominated by Chairman of the Commission and include representatives of the Statutory bodies; and there may be as many Expert Committees as the Commission may determine for different purposes.

2.10 “Government”, unless the context so specifies, means the Central Government in the Ministry of Human Resource Development allocated with business pertaining to higher education.

2.11 “Institution” means an institution of higher education engaged in teaching and research at the undergraduate, postgraduate or higher levels.

2.12 “Institution Deemed to be University” means an institution of higher education so declared, on the advice of the Commission, by the Government under Section 3 of the Act.

2.13 “Necessary Infrastructure” means infrastructure as required under the norms of concerned Statutory Body/Commission.

2.14 “Off-Campus centre” means a centre of the Institution Deemed to be University, approved by the Government and situated beyond its Campus within India.

2.15 “Off-Shore Campus” means a centre of the Institution Deemed to be University approved by the Government and situated beyond its campus outside India.

2.16 “Processing Fee” means the charges that have to be paid by the applicant institution to the Commission along with the application for processing such application.

2.17 “Notification” means a notification issued by the Government in the Official Gazette declaring an institution of higher education, as an Institution Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the Act.

2.18 “Sponsoring body” means a body being a charitable or a not-for-profit Society or Trust or Company under Section 8 of Companies Act 2013 making an application for declaring an institution under its administrative, academic and financial control as a Deemed to be University.

2.19 “Statutory Body” means a body constituted under any law for the time being in force for determining or maintaining standards of quality in the relevant areas of higher education such as the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Medical Council of India (MCI), Dental Council of India (DCI), National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), Bar Council of India (BCI), Indian Nursing Council (INC), or any other such regulatory body established under an Act of Parliament.

2.20 “Teacher” means a member of the regular faculty at the levels of Professor, or Associate Professor or Assistant Professor, and includes adjunct faculty and faculty on a long-term contract of not less than three years.

2.21 “University” means a University defined in the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.

2.22 “NAAC” means National Assessment and Accreditation Council.

2.23 “NBA” means National Board of Accreditation.

2.24 “NIRF” means National Institutional Ranking Framework.

For detailed notification, please follow the link: Notification

[Notification dt. 20-02-2019]

University Grants Commission

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