SRM University | Seminar on Indian Judicial Approach towards Timely Justice

Faculty of law, SRM University in Collaboration with Jus Dicere organizing a National Seminar in an effort to provide a forum to

Faculty of law, SRM University in Collaboration with Jus Dicere organizing a National Seminar in an effort to provide a forum to discuss the various facets of Recent Changes in Indian Judicial Approach.

Proposed sub themes of the Seminar (but not limited to) are as mentioned below and research papers will be invited from scholars and professionals across the country on these sub-themes:

  1. Impact of Technology on Justice.
  2. Enlarging number of Judges for imparting Justice.
  3. Time Effective ADR Mechanisms.
  4. Digitalization and Justice.
  5. Challenge of the backlog of cases.
Call For Papers
Please submit the Abstract of 200-300 words along with keywords. Text should be in MS Word, in Times New Roman with Font size 12 and 1.5 spaces between the lines.

Submit abstract to by March 30, 2019. Please do mention Author’s Name, Title of Paper, and Email & Contact Number in the body of the email

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