Rajasthan HC | Elevation of Judicial Officers as Judges: SC Collegium appoints 2 Judicial Officers of Rajasthan HC as Judges

Proposal for appointment of following eleven Judicial Officers as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court: Shri Abhay Chaturvedi Shri Devendra Kachhawaha Shri

Proposal for appointment of following eleven Judicial Officers as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court:

  1. Shri Abhay Chaturvedi
  2. Shri Devendra Kachhawaha
  3. Shri Satish Kumar Sharma
  4. Ms. Prabha Sharma
  5. Shri Manoj Kumar Vyas
  6. Shri Rameshwar Vyas
  7. Shri Devendra Joshi
  8. Shri Chandra Kumar Songara
  9. Shri Anoop Kumar Saxena
  10. Shri Narendra Singh Dhaddha
  11. Shri Hemant Kumar Jain

As regards Shri Chandra Kumar Songara, (mentioned at Sl. No.8 above), consideration of the proposal for his elevation is deferred for the present and would be taken up after additional information is received from the Chief Justice of the Rajasthan High Court.

As regards S/Shri (1) Devendra Kachhawaha, (2) Satish Kumar Sharma, (3) Ms. Prabha Sharma, (4) Manoj Kumar Vyas, (5) Rameshwar Vyas, (6) Devendra Joshi, (7) Shri Anoop Kumar Saxena, and (8) Shri Hemant Kumar Jain (mentioned at Sl. Nos. 2 to 7, 9 and 11 above) consideration of their proposal for elevation is deferred for the present. The same would be taken up upon receipt of detailed information from the Department of Justice in respect of certain unconfirmed inputs pointed out in the file.

Collegium comprising of Ranjan Gogoi, CJ and S.A. Bobde and N.V. Ramana, JJ., resolves to recommend that S/Shri (1) Abhay Chaturvedi, and (2) Narendra Singh Dhaddha, Judicial Officers, be appointed as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court. Their inter se seniority be fixed as per the existing practice.

[Notification dt. 01-04-2019]

Collegium Resolutions

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