Tanveer Kaur got selected for Art, Business Law at Queen Mary University, London. She has been interviewed by EBC/SCC Online Student Ambassador Aastha Srivastava.
- Tell us a bit about yourself.
I live by the principle that a little foolishness to enjoy life and a little seriousness to understand it will do us well. Being a Law as well as a Yoga student, I strongly believe that it is possible for an entire human race to develop pragmatically and spiritually. I want to leave something in existence that would make the world believe more in art, in love and in magic.
- How does it feel to be selected for masters (Art, Business Law) at Queen Mary University of London? Did you ever envision it(of course)? Details about the programme you are going to pursue.
Well, since I had only applied for Art, Business Law at QMUL which is the only University that offers this course at Master’s level, my options were limited. The course is designed to open the world of art by governing the copyright, taxation, ethical and governance issues of the material related to museums, libraries, archives and heritage buildings at an international level. For example, if an artefact is to be sold from a seller in India to a buyer in UK, then this course matter comprises of taxation guidelines, transaction mechanism, copyright rights of the artist and dispute settlement processes between the two parties keeping in mind certain ethics related to that particular artefact.
However, the fact that this course is run in collaboration with the Institute of Art Law which is again one of its kind in the world, made my focus narrower and pushed me to be extremely determined. As I had just one shot and had no second option, I would actually wake up in the middle of my sleep (trust m for me it’s a really big deal) at odd hours and edit my SOP. Now with a positive outcome I certainly feel delighted to be selected and looking forward for it to begin.
- How should one go about his/her application, did you try for Scholarships, Intricacies with scholarship?
The criteria differ with universities and with countries. Hence, it’s very crucial to know the criteria you’re to be judged under. But the underlying requirement to have a strong and convincing SOP is the same for all. One must be extremely clear of one’s ‘whys’ and ‘whats’ and must be able to put on paper precisely about how he/she has aligned his/her work throughout.
Yes, I certainly tried for scholarships. In fact, I am amidst the process at the moment and again they differ from country to country too. But, the catch there is -‘what have you contributed to the world so far rather than plain merit on your mark-sheets and how desperately do your circumstances call for it.’
- What do you plan to do at Queen Mary, what are your future plans after completing your masters?
My ultimate goal is to be an art/culture writer. So I want to begin by writing for Institute Of Art Law and assist them in developing some educational and literary material on the subject. I further plan to work in the office of legal affairs at UNESCO and make contributions in preserving/maintaining the heritage sites. At QMUL, I not only intend to learn all about Art Law but also teach yoga to help the students and the staff to nourish themselves physically as well as mentally.
- What role did ILNU play in shaping, honing your skills?
For ILNU, I would say it’s all about balance. It has some bizarre and some eccentric ways to teach you how to go about things that come your way. It certainly cultivates in you to shape your focus and upgrades your manner of dealing with the world. Once in for all, it has taught me that if you don’t ask for it, then don’t frown if isn’t served to you.
- What inspired you to pursue higher studies, what role did your parents, mentors and teachers play?
My goals. I knew I had to add some expertise, some oomph factor which can be attained only through higher studies and that was all the inspiration I needed. My teachers and mentors have immensely contributed no matter if I fall or rise up. I don’t think without them it would even have been possible to climb the higher pedestal. My friends, too, have believed in me irrespective of how other worldly or nonsensical I sound. And most importantly, my mother, had it not been for her, these words would mean absolutely nothing. She is like my virtual spinal cord. I would just fall to shambles if she hadn’t supported.
- What advice would you like to give to students aiming to pursue masters?
The ideal inspiration should be the joy of learning and the requirement for your future goals rather than putting it on your CVs. Be thoroughly convinced of your ‘whys’. And please check whether the course you are aiming for is specialised enough and whether you need any job/field experience before pursuing it. Such clarity is the pre-requisite to pursue a Masters degree
- Which other universities did you apply for LLM, on what basis did you choose which university to go for?
My choice of course was offered only in QMUL and thus, I just gave my only shot at it.
- How did you plan your SOP? Please share some tips for successful applications.
I wanted to put on my SOP what my CV cannot tell them. I wrote about my inclinations and my frame of mind apart from writing about my aims and how I planned to achieve them.
While writing your SOP, the key is to know your thought process and ensure that it synchronizes well with the course you are applying for. That’s it. Once you reach this clarity, everything falls in line.
- What should one do differently in college if one wants to pursue higher studies?
Try to excel in the subjects that you are really enthusiastic for. Don’t let your enthusiasm get less fiery because of some social/non-social obligations. And do not be restricted to learn about other subjects, be welcoming for all kind of discourses and opportunities that come your way. Remember that everyone has a pattern of learning either by reading, talking, listening, or watching. For me, it has been about a lot of reading other than my course material even amidst my exams (I am seriously not joking) and talking about it to whomsoever seems ready to listen. But that’s how it works with me. I know everyone has their own kind of triggers. Please do not supress or ignore those triggers. and make your shot.