United Nations Security Council Resolution on Yemen (Amendment) Order, 2019

S.O. 1892(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 2 of the United Nations (Security Council) Act, 1947 (43 of 1947), the

S.O. 1892(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 2 of the United Nations (Security Council) Act, 1947 (43 of 1947), the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in the Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution on Yemen Order, 2015, namely :—

1. Short title and commencement- (1) This Order may be called the Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution on Yemen (Amendment) Order, 2019.

(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution on Yemen Order, 2015, in the Schedule, under the heading “the List established and maintained by the 2140 Committee”, under the sub-heading A. “Individuals” for “YEi.003” and the entries relating thereto, the following shall be substituted, namely :—

“YEi.003 Name: 1: ALI 2: ABDULLAH 3: SALEH 4: na Name (original script) ??? ??? ???? ???? Title: na Designation: a) President of Yemen’s General People’s Congress party b) Former President of the Republic of Yemen DOB: a) 21 Mar. 1945 b) 21 Mar. 1946 c) 21 Mar. 1942 d) 21 Mar. 1947 POB: a) Bayt al-Ahmar, Sana’a Governorate, Yemen b) Sana’a, Yemen c) Sana’a, Sanhan, Al-Rib’ al-Sharqi Good quality a.k.a.: Ali Abdallah Salih Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Yemen Passport no: 00016161 (Yemen) National identification no: 01010744444 Address: na Listed on: 7 Nov. 2014 (amended on 20 Nov. 2014, 23 April 2018) Other information: Gender [Male].Status: reportedly deceased.”

[Order dt. 31-05-2019]

Ministry of External Affairs

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