Collegium recommends for elevation of 2 Advocates of Rajasthan HC as Judges

Proposal for appointment of following 9 Advocates as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court, but only 2 Judges were recommended to be

Proposal for appointment of following 9 Advocates as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court, but only 2 Judges were recommended to be appointed as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court.

Following are the names that were suggested:

1. Shri Mahendra Goyal
2. Shri Anurag Sharma
3. Shri Farzand Ali
4. Shri Manish Shishodia
5. Shri Ashvin Garg
6. Shri Rajeev Purohit
7. Shri Sachin Acharya
8. Shri Sanjay Jhanwar and
9. Smt. Anita Aggarwal

On the basis of interaction, the material on record and having regard to all relevant factors, the Collegium comprising of Ranjan Gogoi, CJ and S.A. Bobde and N.V. Ramana, JJ. is of the considered view that S/Shri (1) Mahendra Goyal and (2) Farzand Ali, Advocates are suitable for being appointed as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court.

As regards Shri Manish Shishodia, the Collegium is of the considered view that his name deserves to be deferred.

As regards S/Shri (1) Anurag Sharma, (2) Ashvin Garg, (3) Rajeev Purohit, (4) Sachin Acharya, (5) Sanjay Jhanwar and (6) Smt. Anita Aggarwal, having regard to the material on record and all relevant factors, the Collegium is of the considered view that their cases deserve to be remitted to the High Court.

Therefore, Collegium resolves to recommend that S/Shri (1) Mahendra Goyal and (2) Farzand Ali, Advocates, be appointed
as Judges of the Rajasthan High Court. 

[Collegium Resolution dt. 24-07-2019]

Supreme Court of India

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