Call for Blogs: The Original Position by NLU Jodhpur

Reported by Nisha Gupta

About the organisation: 
The Centre for Legal Theory was established under the auspices of National Law University, Jodhpur, in May 2015. The Centre aims at bringing together a wide range of theoretical perspectives and research programmes on law and legal practice, including legal philosophy, jurisprudence on legislatures, law and conflict analysis, and empirical legal studies.

About the blog:

In furtherance, of its academic pursuits, the Centre for Legal Theory initiated, The Original Position, which highlights various jurisprudential concepts and issues, both in theory and practice. This is an effort to encourage debate and analysis among practicing professionals and academics in this largely ignored area of law, especially in India.


The Centre for Legal Theory welcomes original contributions which provide high quality legal analysis of recent jurisprudential developments across the globe, including case law, legislation, policy-making and activism. We also appreciate elucidation of jurisprudential concepts by theorists, who have significantly contributed in this field.

How to submit:

If you would like to contribute to the blog, please email it to, and subject line should be- Submission for Blog_’the topic’. (For eg. “Submission for Blog_Analysis of Dworkin’s Theory”).


Submissions are on rolling basis, hence no deadlines. 

Guidelines for contributions:

  1. The article should reflect original, unpublished work.
  2. Length of the article must be between 700-1000 words. However, the author can exceed the limit reasonably, in case the topic so requires.
  3. The content should be written in Times New Roman Font with a size of 12. Line Spacing should be 1.5.
  4. The article must include hyperlinks to relevant legal sources and background information, including any judgments, laws, treaties or other legal texts which are mentioned. Hyperlinks must link only to legal or respected news sources. The editors make the final decision over what constitutes a respectable source.
  5. We highly recommend uniform citations.
  6. Posts should have informative titles from which a reader can tell what the post is about.
  7. On receipt of the articles, the author will receive an acknowledgement mail from the editorial board.
  8. The submitted article will then be checked for originality and relevance. We  endeavour to respond quickly to Blog submissions and you can anticipate a response about the acceptance/rejection or any further edits within 2 weeks.
  9. The Editors may, in their absolute discretion, waive any of the above rules or amend this process.

Contact info: You can reach to us at or

You can check out our blog for articles, monthly bulletins and reading suggestions at:

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