Call for Papers | DSNLU Journal of Intellectual Property Rights

Reported by Krishna Saketh

DSNLU Journal of Intellectual Property Rights The Centre for IPR is delighted to announce the first volume of the DSNLU Journal of Intellectual Property Rights as part of its initiative to promote research and study in the field of IPR. The Journal of Intellectual Property Rights is a peer-reviewed annually published journal. The journal invites original papers on any contemporary aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in India and across the Globe.
Categories of submission :
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights is accepting original and unpublished submissions from academicians, professionals, research scholars and students. The submissions are accepted under the following categories:
1. Long article: The prescribed word limit is 5000-8000 words. These articles must analyse any contemporary topic relating to the Intellectual Property Rights in depth. It should focus on to cover all the aspects of the particular topic.
2. Short article: The prescribed word limit is 3000-5000 words. These articles must deal with a specific contemporary problem or an idea relating to the Intellectual Property Rights. It should also include alternatives or suggestions to deal with the problem.
3. Case Comments: The prescribed word limit is 2000-3000 words. The comment must be an analysis of recent judgements of National and International judicial bodies, bringing out its relevance in light of the development of Intellectual Property Rights, views expressed in the judgment and the opinion(s) of the author.
4. Book Review: The prescribed word limit is 1000-2500 words. The review must contain a crisp account of books which were published in 2016 or later.
Note: The word limit is exclusive of footnotes and abstract. Submission Guidelines Authors must strictly adhere to the following guidelines, failing which the submission would not be considered.
1. All original submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the submission, beyond the existing available literature, and the practical utility of his/her recommendations.
2. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and in 1.5 line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and in single line spacing.
3. The citations must conform to The Harvard Bluebook style of citation (20th edition, 2015).
4. The manuscript or abstract shall not contain the name or affiliation of the author(s).
5. The submissions shall strictly adhere to the word limit prescribed.
6. Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of one co-author. Co-authorship is not allowed in case of Case Comment, Legislative Comment and Book Review.
7. The submissions shall be made in MS Word (.doc/.docx) format only.
8. All the submissions would go through plagiarism check on Turnitin. Any form of plagiarism would lead to prima facie rejection.
10. All submissions shall be mailed to before 11:59 PM, 3 rd November 2019.
The subject of the E-Mail should be “Submission for Journal of IPR – [Submission Category] – (Title of the manuscript)”.
The submissions must be accompanied with a covering letter in a separate document containing the following details of the author and co-author (if any):
1. Name:
2. Affiliation / Academic Qualification:
3. Contact Number and e-mail address:
4. Postal address:
 Important Dates The last date for submissions is 3rd November 2019.
Copyright Submissions made to DSNLU Journal of Intellectual Property Rights must not have been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The contributions accepted for publication by DSNLU Journal of Intellectual Property Rights shall therein be the Intellectual Property of the Journal and Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University.

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