2nd NLUJAA National Legal Essay Competition

Reported by Stuti Dwivedi

As a part of its research and awareness activities, the Centre for Clinical Legal Education and Legal Aid Cell (CCLE-LAC) is organizing the 2nd NLUJAA National Legal Essay Competition.
The zeal showed by the students for the first edition of this competition gave us an impetus to move ahead and encourage students , academicians and researchers to be innovative in their approach and make this competition a massive success with their participation.
The essay writing competition is intended to provide young students with an opportunity to study, analyse and understand the role played by various stakeholders in propagating ethos of justice and good conscience.
With an aim to encourage the energetic young students of the country to come up with new ideas and suggestions in this endeavour, the broad theme of the competition is reserved as “Religious Laws and Hate Crimes in developing Countries”. The organising committee has opted against restricting the scope by providing any sub-themes and the writers are therefore encouraged to write on any aspect under the said theme.
The last date for Submission: 14th November 2019
Open for all undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Only one submission per author is allowed.
Co-Authorship by a maximum of two authors is allowed.
Submission Guidelines
Please do read the detailed rules and research note attached to the ad before proceeding to submit the essay.
Submissions must only be in English
Submissions must be original work of the authors, plagiarism beyond 20% will lead to disqualification
The names and affiliation of the authors must not be mentioned anywhere in the paper
The Word limit is 3000-3500 words excluding footnotes
The essay should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing
The footnotes should be typed in Times New Roman, 10 font size, 1.0 line spacing
The margins should be 1?
All text must be justified
The citation should be OSCOLA (4th ed.)
All submissions must be made at nlualac[at]nluassam.ac.in with subject ‘Submission: 2nd NLEC 2019’
The body of the mail shall specify the name of the author(s)
The essay should be attached to the mail-in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format
The participants are required to send the following details in a separate word document attached to the e-mail:
Title of the Essay:
Name(s) of the Author(s):
College/Institute/University of Author(s):
Programme Enrolled & Year of Study of Author(s):
E-mail address & Contact No. of Author(s):
1st: Rs. 10,000/-
2nd: Rs. 7,000/-
3rd: Rs. 5,000/-
Important Note
There is no requirement of registration formalities to be completed in order to participate in the competition. No registration fee is to be paid for the same.
The essays published elsewhere or selected/submitted for publication elsewhere shall be disqualified.
Essays submitted for this competition shall become the sole property of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. NLUJAA shall have the right to publish the entries in the form of a journal or a book.
A panel of evaluators shall be constituted to select the winning entries. The decision of the Panel shall be final and binding.
The organisers reserve the right to cancel/disqualify any of the entry if found in violation of the guidelines for Submission.

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