Call for Papers| NUSRL’s Book on Contemporary Issues in Law and Economics

Reported by Sankalp Udgata

NUSRL opens call for papers for its book on Contemporary Issues in Law and Economics.
The subjects of Law and Economics converge when the broad principles laid down by jurisprudential theorists are applied to the day to day decisions taken by the common man. Any significant new development in any one of these subjects impacts the daily life of citizens and consumers.
New Corporate and Government policies are drafted, and new institutions are set up to handle contemporary disputes. Issues in Law and Economics, therefore, is an area dynamic in nature, and to keep up with the new tides, a person must be up to date about any new changes in the subject and the potential impact it can have on her life.
Well researched papers are invited from academicians, Professionals, Teachers, Research scholars and students. The papers should be the author’s original work and should not be the repetition of any published work.
The present edition of the book will feature chapters on three broad topics. The papers can belong to any one of the following broad topics.
Economic Slowdown: The economy of India is experiencing a troublesome slowdown. Some experts believe it is the sign of a looming recession. Essays and Papers under this topic will analyse trends in the Indian Market and the corresponding laws and policy to arrive at a conclusion as to how this situation came about, and what could be its implication, and what are the measures to combat this economic emergency/phenomenon.
Development Revisited: There has been much debate about what counts as a country’s development. The modernist, conventional view of what is better for the world overlooks many aspects of the economy and society. Essays and Papers under this topic will criticise the theories and policies taken by the government and the leading companies of the country to try and see whether our aim for the economy needs to be readjusted.
Towards a new world: The advent of technology has brought about revolutions not just in the computational power of our machines, but the destiny of humankind itself. How a society thinks and behaves is dependent upon the algorithms set up by social media giants. Development of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence will dictate much, if not all, of human communication and interaction in the coming years. Thus, by extension, it will dictate the future of law and economics.
Papers and Essays on this topic will, therefore, will, therefore, explore the present and potential connection of such developments to law and economics.
How to Submit?
The paper and abstract must be emailed to
The word limit for the paper is 3500-5000 words.
The citation style to be followed is EPW.
Every paper must at least have the chapters of Introduction, Analysis and Conclusion.
Important Dates
The abstract must be submitted by 30th November 2019
Contact Details
Saurav Chaudhary (assistant editor): 9971420780
Mervin Joe Gervasis (assistant editor): 8989095197

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