Call for Papers| Ford Foundation Endowment Chair on Public Interest Law at NLSIU

Reported by Anushree Jain

The Ford Foundation Endowment Chair on Public Interest Law at the National Law School of India, Bengaluru, is happy to announce a call for abstracts for a conference on Public Interest Litigation in India.

The conference aims to encourage law students and academics to think critically about the relevance of PILs and the Indian judiciary in contemporary times, and will be publishing a selection of writings in a special volume.

In addition, the organisers are happy to cover the domestic travel (within India only) and accommodation (on request) of the selected participants for the final conference.

Topics: The conference invites abstracts addressing the following objectives and concerns:

  • The identification and critical analysis of PILs in the years 2018-2019, in order to examine the practice of PIL adjudication.
  • Mapping the trajectory of Public Interest Litigation in India, especially with respect to selection of issues and the evolution of the PIL in practice.
  • Discussing avenues for creatively using Public Interest Litigation for enhancing access to justice for marginalized communities.
  • Case studies of one or more significant PILs in the years 2018/2019.


  • Interested participants are requested to send in abstracts of at least 800 words on the above mentioned topics no later than January 15th , 2020 to
  • Selected participants will be notified by email in the third week of January, after which they will be required to submit a completed paper on or before the 20th of February.
  • The conference is tentatively scheduled for the last week of March 2020. Further dates and details shall be announced shortly. Any queries about the Conference may be directed to

For more details refer FordNLSIUPILCall

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