11th Edition of Avtar Singh’s Law of Arbitration and Conciliation — Published by EBC [Get your copy soon!]

by Avtar Singh

Law of Arbitration and Conciliation is an authoritative commentary on the subject of Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Redressal Systems. The book presents in a simple and lucid style the law as contained in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

The work discusses Domestic Arbitration, International Commercial Arbitrations and the Enforcement of Foreign Awards. It also explains other types of ADR methods such as Negotiation, Conciliation and Lok Adalats.

The current edition thoroughly discusses the major changes made to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015, and also includes important recent case law of the Supreme Court and High Courts, and English case-law.

Includes additional learning resources on www.ebcexplorer.com :

  • Access to important case law as indicated by Case PilotTM.
  • Discussion ForumTM provides a platform outside the classroom to post comments, discuss and explore ideas.
  • SCC Online® Blog to stay updated on recent happenings of the legal world.

The work fully covers the syllabus for the subject as taught in LL.B. and LL.M. courses. This laudatory work of the eminent author, encompassing all the mechanisms of ADR particularly arbitration, will be of immense help to students, lawyers, arbitrators and anyone interested to know more about arbitration.


“The law under the Act has expanded, and the treatise has grown to match this expansion. The treatise is presented in the form of a detailed annotation of the statute, and the annotation provides clear textual explanations of all aspects of the statute and citations to the full range of relevant cases decided under it.”–Law Books in Review, U.S.A.

“A subject-wise book on this subject was an often-felt need of the lawyers and judges, while engaged in arbitration work. This book meets that need in a good measure and the author deserves compliments for having brought out this useful work.”–All India Reporter

Buy Your Copy Soon: Law of Arbitration and Conciliation

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