Arms (Amendment) Rules, 2020 — Notified by Centre

Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Arms Rules, 2016, namely:— 1. (1) These rules may be called

Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Arms Rules, 2016, namely:—

1. (1) These rules may be called the Arms (Amendment) Rules, 2020.

Extract from the notification:

“2. In the Arms Rules, 2016, –

(i) in rule 2, in sub-rule (3), for the words and figures “firearms manufactured before 1899”, the words “firearm which has been in existence for not less than one hundred years;” shall be substituted;

(ii) in rule 10, after sub-rule(5), following sub-rules shall be inserted, namely:-

(a) “(6) Small arms falling under the category of curio shall be kept securely and out of reach of other persons by the owner. Such small arms shall not be used, carried or transported without the prescribed licence.”

(b) “(7) No licence is required for Indian citizens for acquisition, possession of small arms falling under the category of curio. However, appropriate licence as prescribed would be required for use or to carry or transport such small arms. Without the endorsement of such firearms in the prescribed licence of the owner, no ammunition shall be sold for their use.”

(iii) in rule 15, in sub-rule (4), for the proviso “Provided further that separate licence books shall be generated in case of each licence in Form II, Form III and Form IV and in case of a licence in Form III, separately for restricted and permissible categories of arms and ammunition specified in Schedule I, with an overall ceiling of three firearms under a single UIN”, the proviso “Provided further that separate licence either in book form or in electronic form shall be generated in case of each licence in Form II, Form III, Form IIIA and Form IV and in case of a licence in Form III, separately for restricted and permissible categories of arms and ammunition specified in Schedule I, with an overall ceiling of two firearms under a single UIN” shall be substituted.

(iv) in rule 18, for the words “overall limit of three firearms”, the words “overall limit of two firearms” shall be substituted;

(v) in rule 25, –

(a) in sub-rule (1)(b) –

(i) in the proviso, for the words “police report.” the words “police report:” shall be substituted;

(ii) after the first proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:-

“Provided further that while granting arms licence on inheritance or heirloom basis, the limit of two firearms shall not be exceeded.” ;

(b) in sub-rule (3), under Explanation, for the word “includes”, the words “includes father, mother,” shall be substituted.”

*Please see the detailed notification here: The Arms (Amendment) Rules, 2020

Ministry of Home Affairs

[Notification dt. 12-02-2020]

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