Call for Paper | NLUJ Law Review 7.1

Reported by Nisha Gupta


The NLUJ Law Review (”the Review”) is the flagship journal of National Law University, Jodhpur, established with the objective of promoting academic research and fostering debate on contemporary legal issues in India. It is a bi-annual, double-blind student reviewed and edited the journal, focusing on an inter-disciplinary approach towards legal writing. The remit of the Review is not restricted to any particular field of law but is broad enough to include national as well as international legal and policy-related issues.


The NLUJ Law Review invites original, unpublished manuscripts from all academicians, authors, legal professionals and students from India and abroad, under the following categories:

Long Articles

Word Limit: 6000 – 8000 words (inclusive of footnotes)

This category is designed to comprehensively deal with and provide sustained analysis of a particular legal topic. It must analyse the current practice in the field, identify the lacunae therein, and provide constructive suggestions. Author(s) are also encouraged to write and submit analytical responses to earlier publications of the Review.

Short Articles

Word Limit: 3000 – 6000 words (inclusive of footnotes)

Papers in this category must undertake a comprehensive study of specific topics and provide a new perspective and critical insight on the subject.

Notes and Comments

Word Limit: 1500 – 3000 words (inclusive of footnotes)

A note is a concise argument focusing on any recent legal controversy or debate. A comment is limited to the critical appraisal of recent judicial decisions, new legislation, or policy reform proposals.


General Instructions

  • The submissions made under the category of Long and Short Articles must enclose an abstract of not more than 200 words.
  • A maximum co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed for the long and short articles. However, no co-authorship is allowed under the category of notes and comments.
  • All the submissions must be original and unpublished works of the author(s). In an event of acceptance for publication the submission elsewhere in the interim, the author(s) must inform the Review and withdraw the submission. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification for the purposes of publication.
  • Submissions must be made through the online form only. No submissions shall be accepted via any other mode. The form may be accessed by clicking here.
  • Deadline for the submission is March 20, 2020 (11:59 pm, IST).

Formatting Guidelines

  • Any disclosure of information in relation to the identity of the author(s) such as name, institutional assistance, professional details, etc. within the body of the manuscript, or the properties of the document submitted is strictly prohibited. Any violation of the anonymity requirement will lead to disqualification of the manuscript for purposes of publication.
  • The main content of the manuscript must adhere to the following formatting guidelines:

o font style: Garamond;

o font size: 12;

o line spacing: 1.5;and

o headings and sub-headings in the document must be formatted in a uniform style.

  • The footnotes within the manuscript must adhere to the following formatting guidelines:

o font style: Garamond;

o font size: 10;

o line spacing: 1.0;

o citation style: Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. of Bluebook); and

o use of speaking footnotes and end-notes is discouraged.

  • The first page of the manuscript should only contain the title of the paper, followed by the 200-word abstract. The second page must contain a table of contents, and the main body of the manuscript should begin immediately thereafter.
  • Submissions made under the category of Notes and Comments are exempting inclusion of an abstract.
  • Submissions must adhere to the prescribed guidelines for the relevant category.

Editorial Policy

  • The authors must obtain permission for any republication/reprint of the accepted manuscripts on other platforms from the Board of Editors of the Review in writing.
  • The Review follows three stages of blind peer review procedure. At the first stage, the senior members of the Board of Editors undertake a preliminary review of the articles. The shortlisted submissions, in the second stage, are reviewed by the Copy Editors and the Content Editors of the Board of Editors. The review of the manuscript in at this stage is based on criteria such as plagiarism, grammar, structure, relevance of the submissions. The submissions shortlisted by the copy and the content editors are then reviewed by the Senior Editors at the third stage of the review process in consultation with the other members of the Board of Editors. At this stage, the review is based on the quality, and veracity of the content, or any other aspect as may be required. The three stages of the review, although time consuming, ensures the quality of content for the manuscripts selected for publication.
  • In order to ensure transparency, the Review shall endeavor to notify the authors after completion of each stage.
  • The Review does not entertain any request for decisions/suggestions based on abstract, proposal of topic, proposed outline of the manuscript, or on any other bases. The decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be taken only after the submission, and review of the said manuscript in the manner referred to in the paragraph number 2 above.
  • After the successful completion of review of a manuscript, the authors may be requested to incorporate some changes suggested by the Board of Editors. At the discretion of the Board of Editors, the final acceptance of the manuscript may be made contingent on incorporation of the suggested changes to the satisfaction of the Board of Editors.
  • The Review reserves the right to request for copies of resources or authorities cited in the manuscript.
  • The Review retains absolute discretion in relation to acceptance/rejection of the submissions.
  • Kindly note that the editorial process will commence only after the deadline for submission of manuscripts.


All the queries can be addressed to: lawreviewnluj[at]

Alternatively, you may contact:

Mr. Krishnan Sreekumar: krishnansreekumar97[at]

Ms. Amanee Kadakia: amaneekadakia22[at]

For any other updates and announcements about the journal, follow our social media pages on facebook, and LinkedIn.

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