COVID-19 | Telangana HC | Questions raised with regard to availability of PPEs and essential items throughout the State of Telangana

Telangana High Court: A Division Bench of Sri Raghvendra Singh Chauhan, CJ and A. Abhishek reddy, J. while addressing a Public Interest litigation

Telangana High Court: A Division Bench of Sri Raghvendra Singh Chauhan, CJ and A. Abhishek reddy, J. while addressing a Public Interest litigation posed questions with regard to availability of Personal Protective Equipment along with steps being taken by State government to ensure the essential items being provided to the public.

Petitioner sought a order or direction in  the nature of Writ of Mandamus declaring inaction of respondent providing proper quarantine to passengers who came from abroad to the State of Telangana from 01-02-2020 to 25-03-2020 fro 14 days and non-providing of Medical Personal Protective Equipment, N-95 Masks to Doctors, Para-Medical Staff working for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 Pandemic in State of Telangana.

Further it was added that non-import – manufacture of Medical Equipments like diagnosis kits of COVID-19, Ventilators, PPE, N-95 Masks, sanitizers etc. for the protection of life at large and non-supplying of daily essential goods like foods grains at reasonable prices, etc. to the unorganized sector was also the issue.

Direct the respondent to supply in door delivery daily need essential goods at reasonable prices and also diagnosis of COVID-19 to the people at hime in lockdown till no COVID-19 Positive get into the record in State of Telangana.

Bench Held:

Advocate General has been directed to submit an interim report with regard to issues raised by the petitioner. He is also directed to inform the Court with regard to the availability of Personal Protective Equipments to doctors, medical staff, para-medical staff working in hospitals throughout the State of Telangana.

Further the Bench also directed to inform the Court about concrete steps being by the State Government to ensure that daily consumable items, including food items and medical items being made available to the public at large.

Complete report to be submitted on ore before 15-04-2020. Matter to be listed on 09-04-2020 along with an interim report. [Prof. P.L. Vishweshwar Rao v. Union of India, WP (PIL) No. 59 of 2020, decided on 06-04-2020]

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