ICJ extends period during which no hearings or judicial meetings will be held in view of COVID-19 to — 31-05-2020

The ICJ extends the period during which no hearings or judicial meetings will be held. THE HAGUE, 7 April 2020: Given the

The ICJ extends the period during which no hearings or judicial meetings will be held.

THE HAGUE, 7 April 2020: Given the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Court has decided to extend to 31 May the period during which no hearings or judicial meetings of the Court will be held. (see Press Release No. 2020/9). Visits are also cancelled until the end of May.

The adopted measures will be subject to further review as the situation develops. Relevant information will be published on the Court’s website (press releases) and on social media.

International Court of Justice

[Press Release dt. 07-04-2020]

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