Private schools in Delhi not to charge any fee except tuition fee, that too, on monthly basis only; salary of teaching and non-teaching staff not to be stopped/reduced 

In a letter written to all Heads/Managers of private unaided recognised schools, Binay Bhushan, Director of Education, NCT of Delhi, reminded them

In a letter written to all Heads/Managers of private unaided recognised schools, Binay Bhushan, Director of Education, NCT of Delhi, reminded them that in accordance with provisions of Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973, they are under direct control of Charitable Society/Trusts. Being Charitable Societies/Trusts, they are supposed to indulge in charity, especially when they are engaged in the noble field of providing education to the society ? without indulging in profiteering. Accordingly, they are also supposed to extend their maxim support (to those parents who are in financial distress at this time and unable to pay the school fee) by providing learning material online to all students without any discrimination and hindrance and also by not charging any increased tuition fee or any other fee by creating any new head.        

The Director of Education has written a letter to all Heads/Managers of private unaided recognised schools and gave them various directions regarding charging of and/or increase in fee from students, access to online education facilities for students, as well as payment of salary to teaching and non-teaching staff.

The letter stated that it has been noticed that some private unaided schools have been violating the provisions of Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973 and other guidelines issued by Department of Education, as also the provisions of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and Delhi Epidemic Diseases, COVID-19 Regulations, 2020 under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 for prevention and containment o fCOVID-19 presently in force.

It was noticed that some schools have increased the fee in academic session 2020-2021; some schools are charging fee under new heads; some schools are indulging in malpractices while making available online courses/material; some schools are not paying salary to teaching and non-teaching staff.

In view of the above, the Director of Education directed all Heads/Managers of private unaided recognised schools as follows:

(i) No fee, except Tuition fee, shall be charged from the parents, till further orders.

(ii) Heads of schools shall not demand and collect the Tuition fee from the parents/students on quarterly basis. The fee shall be collected on monthly basis only.

(iii) Not to increase any fee in the academic session 2020-2021 till further directions irrespective of the fact whether or not the school is running on private land or the land allotted by DDA/other Government land owning agencies.

(iv) Schools running on the land allotted by DDA/other Government land owning agencies with the condition to seek approval of Director (Education) before any fee increase, shall collect the Tuition fee on the basis of last fee structure approved by Director (Education) or as per fee statement filed by them under Section 17(3) of DSEAR, 1973 during academic session 2015-2016.

(v) Shall ensure to provide thee access of online education/material/classes to all students, without any discrimination, by providing them ID and password immediately to get them online education facility.

(vi) Heads of schools shall, in no case, deny ID and password to those students/parents for getting online access of education facilities/classes/materials, etc., to those students who are unable to pay the school fee due to financial crises arising out of closure of business activities in the ongoing lockdown condition.

(vii) Managing Committee of the schools/Heads of the schools shall not put extra financial burden by creating any new head of fee.

(viii) Shall neither stop payment of monthly salary nor reduce the existing total emolument to the teaching and non-teaching staff of their schools in the name of non-availability of funds and arrange the funds in case of any shortfalls from the Society/Trust running the school.

It was also made clear that failure to comply with the above directions shall incite action under Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973 and Penal Code, 1860 as also punishment of imprisonment and/or fine under Section 51(b) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005.

Directorate of Education

Govt. of NCT of Delhi

[F.No. PS/DE/2020/54]

[Order dt. 17-04-2020]

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