Call for Papers | MNLUA’s Journal of Transnational Commercial Law [Volume 1, Issue 1]: Submit by August 20

Reported by Simranjeet Kaur


The effect of globalisation is not only limited to economy or culture, rather it has expanded its ambit to the legal framework of different nations to a great extent. Transnational Commercial Law is a private law which regulates the commercial relation between private persons of two different nations.    The growth of commercial transactions between nations has given rise to a Pluralism of the legal system. This diversity is populated at various levels with national and international instruments, transnational law, soft law instruments, and such touching upon the various commercial intercourse.   This is to take into notice, transnational Law includes but not limited to commercial Laws, but the effective discourse on Transnational Commercial Law is needed, considering its contemporary importance.

This peer-reviewed journal will try to facilitate a dynamic and intellectual academic discourse on Transnational Commercial Law with special focus on Indian Perspective.

This online journal supports the idea of Open Access and hence, would be in electronic format only.


The journal will be published bi-annually on an official website (to be notified later to the selected author(s). In a year there will be two issues published in the month of October and April.


Academician, Researcher, Students, Professionals (Strongly advocating for an interdisciplinary participation)



  • Transnational commercial Legal Framework and Global Economic scenario
  • Laws and Issues Involved in Cross- Border Consumer Contract and consumer Justice
  • Intellectual Property issues in Global Village
  • Data storage and right to privacy
  • Issue Related to International Sales of Goods and inadequacy of Indian Laws
  • International Taxation Issues in a globalised world
  • Cross- Border Insolvency and India


Long Articles – 8,000 to 10,000 words

Short Articles – 3,500 to 5,000 words

Article Review – 2,500 to 4,000 words

Case Comment – 2,500 to 3,000 words

Book Reviews – 2,500 to 3,000 words

Special Articles – 10,000 to 18,000 words


  • Submission Policy

Manuscripts must be the result of original research, not published elsewhere. Authors are required to inform us about non-exclusive manuscripts if the latter have been published or expected to be submitted elsewhere.

  • Format

Authors should submit their manuscript in Microsoft Word format, double spaced (both the main text and footnotes), font Times New Roman, 12 pt. (main text); title – font Times New Roman, 14 pt.

Please include:

  • a title page with the title of the article and author’s contact information (Institutional affiliation, postal address, phone, and email)
  • a starred footnote next to the author’s name with author’s short biography
  • 200-250 words abstract and five to ten keywords

Text and citations should conform to THE BLUEBOOK. Please use footnotes only.

  • Submission Process

Manuscripts should be sent within the date specified to

Please do not send a hard copy of your submission.

Manuscripts received after the deadline will be strictly rejected.

Contributions will only be considered for publication if they comply with the style guide. If an author is uncertain of the correct style for the citation of a reference, the relevant reference should be highlighted in yellow. Once a manuscript is accepted, an author will be asked to revise it in line with the suggestions provided by the peer-review committee.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscripts are accepted if it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere
  2. The materials should be prepared in Microsoft Word format.
  3. Internet links are provided as a complete URL.
  4. The headings are consecutively numbered without automatic numbering, no headings are underlined, paragraphs are not separated by a full blank line, but only by an indent at the beginning of the new paragraph.
  5. Text should be typed with an interval of double line spacing, font Times New Roman, 12 pt; to highlight the accents it is recommended to use italics rather than underlining (except Internet links). All images, graphics and tables are placed within the text according to the meaning of the particular part of text (and not at the end of the document).
  6. Footnotes are consecutively numbered by way of automatic numbering; footnotes are not separated by a full blank line; footnotes appear at the end of each page of the manuscript and not at the end of the manuscript
  7. Quotations have to be checked for accuracy and references should comply with the style requirements.
  8. Please, remove the authors’ names from the title of the article and other parts of the document to ensure the anonymity of reviewing.


  • Submission of Paper along with abstract – 20th August, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance – 5th September, 2020
  • Publication on official website – 30th September, 2020

*Plagiarism beyond acceptable standards will directly lead to the rejection of the manuscript. The manuscripts will be thoroughly run through anti-plagiarism software. It is the duty of the author(s) to duly recognise the original work, however, in case of default to do the same, it will not be the personal responsibility of the editors.


Any other queries or clarifications may be addressed to the undersigned:

Ms. Soumya Rajsingh, Assistant Professor (Law)

E-mail ID: soumya.rajsingh[at]

Mobile Number: +91-9668013044

Ms. Neha Tripathi, Assistant Professor (Law)

E-mail ID: neha.tripathi[at]

Mobile Number: +91-6205407873

E-mail ID: tcljournal[at]

NOTE: The views expressed by the authors are entirely of their own and the board of editors shall bear no responsibility of copyright violation issues.

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