Chief Justice, Jammu and Kashmir HC, approves scheme for engagement of law students as law interns including e-internship in J&K HC

Scheme for Internship and e-internship in the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 229

Scheme for Internship and e-internship in the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir

In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 229 of the Constitution of India, the Chief Justice, High Court of Jammu and Kashmir, has been pleased to approve the following scheme for engagement of law students as law interns including e-internship in the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir.

1. Title:

This scheme shall be called “Scheme for Internship and e-internships in the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir.”

2. Entitlement for the services of Law Interns for e-internship:

The Chief Justice and the Judges of the High Court of Jammu & Kashmir may permit internships to law students, either regular or by way of e-internship to such number as may be convenient.

3. Eligibility Conditions:

The candidate must possess the following qualifications to be eligible for internship:

(i) The candidate should be pursuing LL.B course from a recognized Law College/ University established by law in India and eligible for enrolment as an Advocate with the Bar Council of India or State Bar Councils on conclusion of the LL.B course.

(ii) The candidate must have a good working knowledge of computers.

(iii) The candidate must be a citizen of India.

To read the full details of the scheme, please click on the below link:


Jammu and Kashmir High Court

[Notification dt. 23-07-2020]

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