Since its inception in 2007, the vision of ADRC has been to disseminate knowledge relating to Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and create a platform for like-minded and zealous individuals to come together to revolutionize the process of dispute settlement. This goal became a reality in 2012 with the Cell organizing Asia’s oldest as well as India’s largest Mediation Tournament, the “NLIU INADR International Law School Mediation Tournament”. With each successive year, we have witnessed participation from all National Law Schools and premier private law schools of the country besides Universities in United States, Australia and parts of Europe. With the experience of organising 8 successful editions of our prestigious mediation tournament, this year ADRC aims to conduct the “1st NLIU International Negotiation Competition 2020” virtually. The competition aims to provide an opportunity for students to be a part of disputes akin to actual altercations witnessed by legal professionals. It further presents an opportunity to hone the requisite communication and negotiation skills in addition to holding discussions with equally enthusiastic professionals and students in the field.
1st NLIU International Negotiation Competition 2020
Reported by Vivek Badkur

The competition shall be in the format of a negotiation competition wherein each team shall consist of 2 participants, i.e. the Client and the Counsel. Due to the technical limitations of a remote tournament, the number of teams has been limited to 24. The same would be selected by the ADRC, on the basis of Curricula Vitae of the participants. The tournament shall have 2 Preliminary rounds and 2 Advanced Rounds (the Semi-Final and the Final). Further, it shall be mandatory for each participant to play the roles of both Client and Counsel in the Preliminary rounds, i.e. if a participant plays the role of a Client in the first preliminary round, she/he would be required to participate as a counsel in the second the preliminary round and vice-versa for her/his team partner. The time-limit shall be 60 minutes for the Preliminary Rounds, and 90 minutes for the Advanced Rounds. II.Eligibility The participation is limited to students pursuing their Bachelor’s degree in law (LLB, BCL, JD or equivalent).
INR 2000 per participant- For Indian teams
USD 50 per participant- For Foreign Teams
Every team may be accompanied by 1 coach. The registration fee for the coach would be INR 1000 for an Indian team and USD 30 for a foreign team. The team coach is also permitted to attend their team’s mediation sessions. And they shall also receive a certificate of recognition at the conclusion of the competition.
Considering the limitation on the number of teams, each University is permitted to be represented by only one team.
Best Client (Preliminary Rounds)
Best Counsel (Preliminary Rounds)
Best Negotiation Plan
Spirit of the Competition
Best Introduction Video
Brochure: Negotiation Competition Brochure
28th and 29th October, 2020: TRAINING SESSIONS
30th and 31st October, 2020: PRELIMINARY ROUNDS 1 & 2
1st November, 2020: SEMI-FINALS & FINALS
National Law Institute University, Bhopal
Kerwa Dam Road, Bhopal, M.P.- 462004 India.