NLAT claims allegations of paper leak are unfounded

NLSIU has released a notification stating that there have been unfounded allegations with respect to the NLAT paper leak. As per the


NLSIU has released a notification stating that there have been unfounded allegations with respect to the NLAT paper leak. As per the official release, students who faced technical difficulties were given an additional slot on monday. A legal news website claimed that they got their hands on the copy of the exam questions while the exam was still going on.

NLSIU has replied that it does appear that some questions were copied and circulated on emails and messaging apps after logging in. Although this is a malpractice under proctoring rules but this does not affect the integrity of the exam as all questions were available to candidates after login. As the technology platform tracks and compares every student’s answer behaviour patterns therefore any unusual behaviour will result in identification and disqualification. NLSIU has reassured candidates and their parents that they will be transparent and ensure exam integrity at all times.

The circular can be read here.[1]


*Nilufer Bhateja, Editorial Assistant has put this story together

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