Worried about the visit to entertainment parks amidst the COVID-19 spread? Health Ministry has issued preventive measures to be followed

SOP on preventive measures to be followed in Entertainment Parks and similar places to contain the spread of COVID-19. Background Entertainment Parks

SOP on preventive measures to be followed in Entertainment Parks and similar places to contain the spread of COVID-19.


Entertainment Parks and similar places are frequented by a large number of people for leisure and entertainment. To prevent spread of COVID-19 infection, it is important that required physical distancing and other preventive measures are followed in these places.

Promoting COVID appropriate behaviour

Simple public health measures are to be promoted to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 infection. These measures are to be observed by all (staff and visitors) in these places at all times.

These include:

i. Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as feasible.

ii. Use of face covers/masks to be made mandatory.

iii. Practice frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty. Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds) can be made wherever feasible.

iv. Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.

v. Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest to State or District helpline.

vi. Spitting shall be strictly prohibited.

vii. Installation & use of Aarogya Setu App shall be advised to all.

Protecting the vulnerable population

i. Persons above 65 years of age, persons with comorbidities, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years are advised to stay at home. Entertainment Park management to advise its clients accordingly.

ii. Employees who are at higher risk i.e. older employees, pregnant employees and employees who have underlying medical conditions must take extra precautions. They should preferably not be exposed to any front-line work requiring direct contact with the public.

Providing and maintaining healthy environment at Entertainment Park and similar places

i. Prior to resumption of activities, all work areas, public utility areas and open spaces (including but not limited to rides, museums, gardens, food courts, gift shops, theatres, etc.) shall be sanitized with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite solution. Thereafter this will be done on a regular basis.

ii. Cleaning and regular disinfection (using 1% Sodium Hypochlorite solution) of frequently touched surfaces (door knobs/handles, elevator buttons, hand rails, slides, chairs, tabletops, benches, washroom fixtures, etc.) and floors, walls etc. to be done before opening of Entertainment Park, at the end of the day and at other appropriate times.

iii. Provisions to be made for multiple hand washing stations and hand sanitizers for the use of the public. Provision of soap in toilets and hand sanitizers in other common areas in sufficient quantity must be ensured.

iv. Deep cleaning of all drinking and hand washing stations, washrooms, showers and lavatories shall be ensured.

v. Visitors and employees should be advised to dispose of used face covers/masks in separate covered bins placed in common areas.

vi. Swimming Pool (wherever applicable) shall remain closed.

vii. Water themed Entertainment Parks and water rides shall ensure adequate and regular water filtration and chlorination as per laid down standards.

viii. Staggered timing and regulation of physical numbers on these rides be ensured.

ix. Theatres will only allow 50% of seating capacity duly ensuring physical distancing norms.

Planning for operations, scheduling and monitoring of activities

Physical distancing

i. For ensuring physical distancing inside and outside the premises, specific markings on the floor may be made. Similarly, physical distancing shall also be maintained in office areas and common utility areas.

ii. There will be queue management inside and outside the premises. Enough personnel will be deployed to monitor the queue and physical distancing.

iii. Lockers for staff and visitors will remain in use; physical distancing and regular disinfection to be maintained.

Crowd management

i. The crowd density does not remain the same throughout and usually peaks on weekends and holidays. Planning should specifically factor-in requirement for these peak days.

ii. Provision for online tickets must be encouraged.

iii. The tickets sold shall be commensurate with the floor area per person that is required for fulfilling the physical distancing norms. Accordingly, entry to the Entertainment Park shall be regulated.

iv. Entry of visitors with tickets to be monitored to ensure that the number of visitors inside the Entertainment Park at any given time doesn’t exceed the permissible limit.

v. CCTV monitoring shall be ensured to detect crowding at any Rides or Food Court etc.

vi. For those who reach the Entertainment Park without online ticket or where facility of on-line ticketing does not exist, adequate number of ticket counters shall be planned duly ensuring physical distancing norms.

vii. A simple do’s and don’ts Advisory may be distributed at the time of issue of tickets/passes or may be printed on the tickets itself. Do’s and Don’ts also to be displayed at vantage points.

viii. The park management may make suitable provisions for contact-less payment.

Ensuring ventilation

i. As far as feasible, natural ventilation must be ensured and use of small enclosed spaces must be discouraged.

ii. Circulation of outdoor air needs to be increased, as much as possible, by opening windows and doors, using fans, or other methods.

iii. For air-conditioning/ventilation, of closed enclosures, the guidelines of CPWD shall be followed which emphasizes that the temperature setting of all air conditioning devices should be in the range of 24-300C, relative humidity should be in the range of 40-70%, intake of fresh air should be as much as possible and cross ventilation should be adequate. Air handling unit needs to be cleaned prior to switching on.

Making available COVID related supplies

i. Appropriate arrangements for personal protection devices like face covers/masks, and other logistics like hand sanitizers, soap, sodium hypochlorite solution (1%) etc. shall be made available by management for their employees as per requirements.

ii. Provide an adequate supply of calibrated thermal guns.

iii. Ensure availability of covered dustbins and trash cans in sufficient numbers to manage waste as per CPCB guidelines (available at: https://cpcb.nic.in/uploads/Projects/Bio-MedicalWaste/BMW-GUIDELINES-COVID_1.pdf)

Creating awareness

i. The mobile application or web site of the Entertainment Park must display preventive measures for COVID-19.

ii. The website/ Mobile application shall inform the visitors on self-monitoring of health and not to visit the park if suffering from symptoms of Covid-19.

iii. Provisions must be made for display of Posters/standees/AV media on preventive measures against COVID-19 at prominent places in the Entertainment Park.

iv. Recorded messages on precautionary measures and COVID appropriate behaviour may be played.

v. Display State helpline numbers and also numbers of local health authorities at prominent places.

Maintaining Healthy operations

At the entry point and exit

i. Entrance to have mandatory hand hygiene (sanitizer dispenser) and thermal screening provisions.

ii. Multiple gates/separate gates, if feasible, should be used for entry and exit.

iii. Only asymptomatic persons (managerial staff, employees, visitors) to be allowed in the premises.

iv. Management staff, employees and visitors living in containment zones shall not be allowed entry in entertainment park and other similar places.

v. All employees/visitors to be allowed entry only if using face cover/masks. The face cover/mask has to be worn at all times inside the entertainment park.

vi. Staggering of visitors to be done for maintaining physical distancing of a minimum of 6 feet, when queuing up at the time of entry and for rides etc.

vii. Proper queue management shall be followed at the ticket counters, the parking lots, in corridors and in elevators – duly following physical distancing norms shall be organized.

viii. Valet parking, if available, shall be operational with operating staff wearing face covers/ masks as appropriate. Proper disinfection of steering, door handles, keys, etc. of the vehicles should be taken up, before taking over and handing over the vehicle.

Within the premises of the entertainment park complex.

i. Seating arrangement to ensure a distance of 6 feet between chairs, benches, etc.

ii. Staggering of visitors for different rides to be done, to allow for adequate physical distancing.

iii. Number of people in the elevators shall be restricted, duly maintaining physical distancing norms.

iv. Use of escalators with one person on alternate steps may be encouraged.

 During rides

i. Disinfect the commonly touched surfaces of the ride equipment, before commencing the ride.

ii. Visitors shall sanitize their hands before and after using the rides. For such purpose, hand sanitizer should be provided at the entry and exit of ride stations, etc.

iii. Ensure physical distancing in rides.

Activities in common areas – Souvenir Shops, stalls, cafeteria, food courts, changing rooms, showers, etc.

i. Adequate crowd and queue management to be ensured.

ii. In food courts and restaurants, not more than 50% of seating capacity to be permitted.

iii. The seating arrangement should ensure adequate physical distancing.

iv. Food court staff/waiters should wear masks and hand gloves and take other required precautionary measures.

v. Contactless mode of ordering and digital mode of payment to be encouraged.

vi. Tables to be sanitized each time customer leaves.

vii. In the kitchen, the staff should follow physical distancing norms at the workplace.

Reporting of a suspect or confirmed case in the premises:

i. Place the ill person in a room or area isolated from others.

ii. Provide a mask/face cover till such time he/she is examined by a doctor.

iii. Immediately inform the nearest medical facility (hospital/clinic) or call the State or District helpline.

iv. A risk assessment will be undertaken by the designated public health authority (District RRT/treating physician) and accordingly further action be initiated regarding management of case, his/her contacts and need for disinfection.

v. Disinfection of the premises to be taken up if the person is found positive.


  • Theatres to have only 50% seating capacity
  • Swimming Pools to remain closed

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

[Dated: 08-10-2020]

One comment

  • During the pandemic days everyone of us is worried to visit any place like the entertainment parks or any other place because of the coronavirus outbreak and the fear of getting infected by it. The preventive measures that has been asked to be followed will help you in staying away from the virus and have a good time at the park. Thank you for sharing the information with us through this article.

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