Call for Papers | XI National E-Conference on “Contemporary Legal Issues and Reflections amidst the Pandemic”

Reported by Anirudh Kulkarni

About the Institution  

School of Law, is a part of the CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. The parent  University, a premier educational institution, is an academic fraternity dedicated to the motto of  ‘Excellence and Service’ and has an already proven history of success in the field of education. CHRIST, formerly Christ College, has the rare distinction of being the first institution in Karnataka to be accredited by the National  Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), UGC, and currently has an A grade as accredited in 2016 for  quality education. Located in the beautiful and expansive campus of CHRIST, Bangalore, School of Law is an institute  imparting world class legal education not only to students from various parts of the country but  also from the Middle East and Mauritius. The courses are approved by the Bar Council of India. SLCU entered the list of top law schools in India according to the NIRF Rankings declared by the MHRD in 2020.

About EBC & SCC Online (Media Partners)

Eastern Book Company (EBC) is a publisher of international repute with over 75 years of experience in publishing in India and is an acknowledged leader in the field of law. EBC publishes a wide range of legal commentaries, student texts, law reports and digests, and its products include pioneering works, both in the print and electronic medium. The Supreme Court Cases (SCC) is a weekly law report started by EBC in 1969. EBC has made the reporting of the Supreme Court of India a reliable and comprehensive one through the weekly law report. Now running into nearly 300 volumes, it is the leading law report of India with a very wide circulation and readership base. SCC Online currently has over 400 databases, over 4.2 million documents, and over 20 million pages. School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, is proud to have EBC & SCC Online as its Media Partners for the 11th  National E-Conference 2021.

About Libertatem Magazine (Knowledge Partner)

Libertatem [Liber-ta-tem] is a Latin word for Freedom. Libertatem Magazine was named keeping in mind the concept of our Magazine which is “Freedom of Speech & Expression”. Libertatem Magazine serves as a legal awareness resource for all, ranging from students to academicians to practicing advocates. Sections that include Analysis Articles on Legal & Political Developments, Latest Judgements, Courtroom News, Interview, Opinions, Law Notes, Knowledge Base etc. entice readers to devour information, thereby empowering them to build a strong opinion within themselves and beyond. Libertatem Magazine stands to bring stories from a neutral point of view with facts and proofs and proudly stand for Independent and Un-influenced Journalism. School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, is proud to have Libertatem Magazine as its Knowledge Partners for the 11th  National E-Conference 2021.

About the E-Conference  

The world has been grasped by a global pandemic which is distinct from its predecessors due to its enormity both in terms of  scale and effect. The pandemic termed as COVID-19 by the World Health Organisation is not  solely limited as a health crisis but has also taken over the socio-economic spectrum where it is  causing rampant mayhem.  In these unprecedented times, human rights violations have been on the rise, posing a challenge to the justice delivery mechanism and this has been of foremost priority to human rights  organisations, international forums as well as governing bodies of various countries. The pandemic has also had a substantial impact on the constitutional debates regarding protection of fundamental rights pertaining to legitimacy and genuinity of various technological developments and programmes. This period has also cast its shadow over the environment creating areas of discussions such as bio medical waste management, regulation of genomic editing of viruses and prohibition of inhumane animal treatment. Besides these COVID induced challenges, the nation is also grappling with numerous contemporary challenges for instance, passage of the farmer acts, dilution of labour laws and reduced GST compensation to states.

In the light of the aforementioned predicaments, School of Law, CHRIST proposes its 11th  National E-Conference on “Contemporary Legal Issues and Reflections amidst the Global Pandemic” which aims at addressing some of the most crucial and imperative concerns that the world is battling with, and at achieving plausible solutions to these legal, social, economic and environmental issues that we face as a global community in current times.  The committee shall conduct webinars on the themes of the National E-Conference for all the participating students and professionals with a view of encouraging research culture in these tough times, and to provide a better understanding on the respective themes.

Objectives of the E-Conference

  • To deliberate upon contemporary legal issues arising out of the pandemic
  • To facilitate academic discussions and presentations amongst the legal fraternity
  • To provide an opportunity to participants to interact with eminent legal personalities
  • To promote a platform for exchange of ideas and enhance research skills
  • To devise plausible proposals by collating suggestions and recommendations

Call for Papers  

The E-Conference calls for submissions on the following theme and sub-themes:

Theme I: Challenges to Justice Administration vis-a-vis Human Rights  

  1. The Rising Gender Based Violence during Lockdown
  2. Impact of COVID-19 on the Criminal Trial Procedure
  3. Resort to ODR in Resolving Commercial Disputes
  4. Balancing between Parole and Prison during COVID 19

Theme II: Impending Constitutional Debates and Discussions  

  1. E-Pharmacies, Clinical Trials – Contravention of Health Rights?
  2. Centralised Control of COVID 19 and Federalism
  3. PM CARES Fund : Transparency and Accountability Analysis
  4. Imposition of Contact Tracing Apps : A Privacy Perspective

Theme III: Environmental Law and Policy Framework  

  1. Control and Management of Bio-Medical Waste
  2. Regulation of Contagious Virus Genome Editing : An International Perspective
  3. Obviating Inhumane Treatment of Animals: A Necessity
  4. COVID 19 and the International State Responsibility

Theme IV: Contemporary Legal Predicaments and Developments 

  1. Farm Acts: A Strike on Socialistic Ideals?
  2. Permissibility of “Act of God” excuse to reduce GST Compensation
  3. Right to Dissent v. National Security: Freedom of Speech and Expression
  4. Examining the impact of Dilution in Labour Laws

The list of afore-mentioned themes is suggestive in nature and meritorious contributions on other sub-themes related to the broad theme are also invited. The authors may also incorporate jurisprudential or international perspectives to their papers based on the area chosen.

Who Can Attend?  

Academicians, practitioners, research scholars, and students are invited to submit research  abstracts on the subjects related to the above topic on selection of which the authors shall be  required to submit full papers and be privileged to present the same to the E-Conference.

Important dates

Abstract Submission [EXTENDED – Rolling
December 8, 2020
Communication of Acceptance of Abstract December 08, 2020
Last date for Registration and Payment December 10, 2020
Submission of Full Papers December 27, 2020
Date of the E – Conference January 22 – 23, 2021


CISCO WebEx shall be used for paper presentation and conduct of National E-Conference. Further, details on the usage and registration to the platform will be shared to the participants at a later stage.

Submission Guidelines 

The abstract should not exceed 300 words, and must be accompanied with a  cover page stating:-

  • Sub-theme
  • Title of the Paper
  • Name of the Author(s)
  • Name of the Institution
  • E-mail Address
  • Postal Address
  • Contact number

The abstract file shall be named as: <Theme number>_<full name of the author(s)>.

For eg: i) Single Authorship:Theme1_RajeevShankar

  1. ii) Co-Authorship:Theme1_RajeevShankar&RahulMohan

All submissions of the abstracts for the E-Conference must be electronically submitted using the following google form link: HERE

The word limit of the full paper shall be 3000 – 4000 words and must be accompanied with the following:

  • A cover letter mentioning the Name of the Author(s), Course, Year of Study (if applicable), Name of the College/University (if applicable), Professional Position (if applicable), Title and Theme of the  Paper, with Postal Address, Email Address and Contact Number.
  • Registration form & Payment – The details of the same shall be intimated to the participants whose abstracts get selected

Formatting Requirements

  • The main text of the full paper and the abstract should be in Times New Roman with font size 12  and line spacing of 1.5.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with spacing of 1.0 (Endnotes are not permitted)
  • One inch margins should be maintained on all four sides of the pages.
  • Citation Style: Bluebook, 20th edition.
  • The word limit of the paper shall be 3000 – 4000 words (excluding footnotes/annexure/reports etc.)
  • The abstract and full paper have to mandatorily be submitted in .pdf format only.


  • Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors and at least one author must attend the E-Conference to present the paper.
  • No Proxy presentations are allowed.
  • The School of Law, CHRIST in keeping with its mandate of publishing original works only,  adopts a stringent anti-plagiarism policy. Any paper containing any unattributed work is thus  liable to be rejected.


  • All participants will be provided an electronic certificate of participation
  • One best paper presenter from each sub – theme will be given a certificate of merit and cash award
  • The best paper presenters will also be provided with an internship opportunity and allied perks by Libertatem Magazine.
  • Selected full papers will be published in an E-Journal with ISBN no. subject to the quality of the papers received.

Registration fee and Payment details 

For Students: INR 700/- for single authorship and INR 1000/- for co-authorship.

For Professionals and Academicians: INR 900/- for single authorship and INR 1200/- for co-authorship.

Contact  Details

For any further clarifications regarding the E-Conference or assistance in  submission, please mail only at or, contact the Student Convenors:

Rajveer Singh Gurdatta  (+91 – 9292829292)

Ann Clara Tomy  (+91 – 9606842848)

Official website: HERE

Click here for the brochure

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