HNLU ALMA Matters| Webinar on Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Legal Domain

Reported by Masooma Rizvi

The legal profession from its traditional brick and mortar model of litigation and corporate services has been rapidly evolving into areas of digital platforms, financial services, AI based applications and other non-traditional domains. HNLU Alumnus Mr. Pranjal Kamra has ventured into the financial services market interfacing law with his firm Finology Ventures in the year 2017. The firm has established its niche consumer base and also manages the ‘Ticker’ an online equity research portal. Mr. Pranjal will address the Alma Matters webinar series of HNLU on the topic “ Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Legal Domain- How to build and scale your legal start up” on Friday, 11th December 2020 at 6 p.m. The webinar is free for registration for those who want to know his story and advices, and will be given digital participation certificate. Those who desire to join it may register through  the following Google form: HERE

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Alma Matters is a digital initiative of HNLU to connect their distinguished alumni to the legal fraternity to  celebrate  and disseminate their contribution to the legal fraternity and society at large. Prof. V. C. Vivekanandan, the Vice Chancellor of Hidayatullah National law University remarked ‘ The alumni of HNLU are not only a pride of HNLU but also mentors to the students and young lawyers across the country and abroad of the difference they can make in the field. Mr. Panjal Kamra’s venture into ‘Finology Ventures’ is a creative and contributory impact in the field of law and securities & financial markets.

This webinar has SCC Online and EBC as Knowledge partners and Live Law as the media partner.

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