Orissa HC | Chief Justice Mohammad Rafiq appointed as the Chief Justice of the Madhya Pradesh HC

President transfers Justice Mohammad Rafiq, Chief Justice of the Orissa High Court, as Chief Justice of the Madhya Pradesh High Court and

President transfers Justice Mohammad Rafiq, Chief Justice of the Orissa High Court, as Chief Justice of the Madhya Pradesh High Court and to direct him to assume charge of the office of the Chief Justice of the Madhya Pradesh High Court.


Ministry of Law and Justice

One comment

  • I studied law at the age of 70 years to know Law and help the people “Law in the books is different from Law in the courts ” Yes ,Law in the courts is totally different, judges appear to be “Justice not only done but appears to be done ” I have great trust and faith the justice will be done to the people who come to the court but it differs now. Why?

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