Call for Papers| Indian Review of International Arbitration [Rolling Submissions]

Reported by Shruti Dhonde

About Indian Review of International Arbitration

Indian Review of International Arbitration (IRIArb) is an international journal which follows a blind peer review format and is edited by the professors, practitioners and research scholars from around the globe. The Advisory Board and Editorial board of the journal manifests the international outlook of the journal. The journal is currently published in an online mode by the Centre for Arbitration and Research, Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai. IRIArb publishes twice each year. The Journal accepts high quality, analytical rigorous papers from professors, practitioners, research scholars and students in the field of international arbitration and the allied areas. The journal promotes original, unpublished and high quality research work in the field of international arbitration. The journal encourages empirical work, however, doctrinal papers are also accepted. It is an open-access journal whose aim is to make the knowledge of international arbitration more democratic and accessible. The journal does not accept any payment for the publication.

Publication Policy

The Indian Review of International Arbitration focuses on research in the academic and practical aspects of international commercial and international investment arbitration, and other connected areas of law. The journal also aims to provide a balance between research on contemporary developments and analysis of long-standing issues in international arbitration. The journal is dedicated to be a catalyst towards the progress of international arbitration via the publication of reliable and useful research and opinions in the area of arbitration. It combines insights into the practice of arbitration world- over and contemporary analysis of issues for practitioners, academics and parties to arbitration.
We encourage previously unpublished scholarship that caters to developing an educated colloquy that is contemporary, recent or novel. We aim to provide a platform for dialogue among stakeholders and authors, ranging from contributors to highest legal fora, to current law students. IRIArb will provide platform to authors from different legal, linguistic and cultural backgrounds across the globe, to discuss and comment on the contemporary developments in international arbitration.

Submission Guidelines

1. Peer review process

Every submission will be peer reviewed. The submission must be final and complete. The publication decision will not be given on the abstract, proposal or outlines. Based on the decision of peer reviewers, submitted manuscripts may be either accepted; or accepted with changes; or declined. The final decision is of the editorial board.

2. Work Types

The journal accepts manuscripts in the following forms:

  • Articles (3000 – 6000 words).
  • Case Comment (1000 – 2500 words).
  • Book Review (1000 – 2500 words).

The word limit is exclusive of the foot-notes. Speaking footnotes are not encouraged.

3. Submission

The submission shall contain:

  1. Manuscript Title
  2. Author Name
  3. Affiliations
  4. Key-words
  5. Email Address of all the contributing authors
  6. Mobile Number of the corresponding author
  7. Acknowledgments
  • Every paper must be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 300 words. Book review and case comments do not require an abstract.
  • The submission must not include the table of table of contents or numbered paragraphs.
  • The manuscript must not contain the name of the author(s) or anything which can reasonably connect the authors with the manuscript. This is to ensure the peer review is unbiased.
  • Every submission must be accompanied with a declaration. The declaration must mention that:
  1. The submitted work is the original work and doesn’t violate copyright of any other person
  2. The citations are accurate.
  • The author has read the submission policy and has duly complied with it.
  1. The author has taken the permission for using any copyrighted material from its owner.
  • The manuscript shall contain the footnotes. The preferred citation style is The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th edition.


  1. The manuscript must be submitted in Word (.doc/.docx) format.
  2. Title of the paper – Times New Roman, Font Size 14
  3. Text of the paper – Times New Roman, Font Size 12
  4. Footnotes – Times New Roman, Font Size 10.
  5. Headings and sections must be clearly defined.
  6. Book reviews must contain name of author/editor and book reviewed, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages and price.
  • The persons who have made a substantial contribution to the manuscript should be named as authors. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgments section. Funding and writing assistance should also be acknowledged.
  • The language of the submission shall be English. If the author’s first language is not English then before submitting their manuscript, they should consider getting it professionally edited for proper language, style, and grammar. It is not a mandatory step. It also doesn’t ensure that submission will be accepted for the publication. The only intention is to ensure that the manuscript is understood by the peer-reviewers and editors.

4. Use of third party copyrighted material

Before submitting the manuscript, the express consent for the use of third party material (such as tables, figures or images) in the work must be obtained by the authors

5. Open Access

IRIArb is an open access journal. The work published under this journal is under the following license type: Open Access CC BY-NC 4.0.

6. Publication

The accepted submissions will be published online prior to the publication of the final journal issue and the authors will be pre-informed with regard to the same.

Submission of Work

The authors may submit their work either through this form or by sending an email at ( Along with your work, also include your C.V. and any expedite information.


If you wish to withdraw your work from consideration, please contact the editor-in-chief via email at ( Please put “Withdraw” as the subject of your email. The text of the e-mail must contain the author name and the title of your manuscript.

For further information: click HERE

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