NCLAT | Reagitating what is already recorded only because liberty was given for appeal, held absurd | Declines to entertain 

National Company Law Tribunal (NCAT): A Coram of Justice A.I.S. Cheema (Judicial member) and Dr Alok Srivastava (Technical member) dismissed an appeal

National Company Law Tribunal (NCAT): A Coram of Justice A.I.S. Cheema (Judicial member) and Dr Alok Srivastava (Technical member) dismissed an appeal on the grounds of it being repetitive.

In the instant case, the appellant was aggrieved by non-payment of his salary and illegal actions by the Resolution Professional. The appellant had approached the NCLT for addressing his grievance for payment of his salary or for the inclusion of his salary expenses as CIRP cost in the Resolution Plan. Later an appeal was filed before the NCLAT, which had directed the adjudicating authority to provide an opportunity to the Appellant before taking a decision regarding the Resolution Plan.

Now, the Appellant contended, that the impugned order, the authority did record as intervener but the grievances and detailed arguments/written-submissions advanced by the Appellant before the Adjudicating Authority were not addressed, admitted nor discussed.  Whereas the counsel for the respondent submitted that legitimate grievances of the Appellant were included in the Resolution Plan and also have been duly paid. Further, it was submitted that the present appeal was nothing but a reproduction of the claims made earlier in the appeal.

Therefore, the Coram was of the opining that, “what appears is that the Appellant is reagitating what is already recorded in the order dated 17.02.2021 and only because the liberty was given, the present Appeal is filed”. On the same ground, the appeal stood dismissed.[Sundeep Thakar v. Raj Ralhan, Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 170 of 2021, decided on 08-03-2021]

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