Call for Papers | Indraprastha Law Review [Winter 2020, Vol. I Issue II]

Reported by Sarthak Yadav

University School of Law and Legal Studies (USLLS) under the aegis of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi takes great pleasure to inform you that the Indraprastha Law Review (ILR) has received encouraging response and the Editorial Board has successfully published the inaugural edition of the ILR Summer 2020: Vol. I Issue I.

Indraprastha Law Review is an eco-friendly, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed e-journal with an editorial board comprising of experts from the legal field. We abide by our publication policies by avoiding usage of paper as much as possible. We have also made the Journal accessible to everyone from all over the world by simply visiting the official website of the e-journal i.e.

ILR aims to promote legal research in various developing dimensions and discourse on the same. It is double-blind peer reviewed with the fundamental premise being to promote interdisciplinary research, entailing a detailed study of law and legal studies and its discourse with other disciplines. The biannual journal is being published with the objectives to provide a space to researchers, jurists, academicians and legal practitioners to express their views on topics of contemporary significance in law.

We solicit contributions for the Winter 2020: Vol. I Issue II in the form of articles, notes, book review and case comments on emerging areas in law.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. All submissions are required to be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Indraprastha Law Review, University School of Law and Legal Studies, GGS IP University, Delhi – India.
  2. All entries by interested parties shall be mailed to by 11:59 PM, 30 June, 2021, with the subject: ILR Winter 2020: Vol. I Issue II – “Classification of Manuscript”
  3. Contribution sent after the last date may be considered for Summer 2021: Vol. I Issue I subject to the quality of article and plagiarism clearance as per the UGC guidelines.
  4. The copyright of the entry to the eJournal will rest with the Editorial Board once the entry has been selected and the Author(s) of the same have been notified.
  5. The name of the Author(s) or any mode of identification should not be included in the manuscript. The cover letter should have the requisite contact details of the Author(s) along with an undertaking of originality form available on
  6. The Citation pattern to be uniformly followed is Journal of the Indian Law Institute The body of the manuscript shall be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Citations shall be in Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing.
  7. Speaking footnotes are discouraged.
  8. The entries shall be accepted only in MS Word (.doc, .docx)
  9. Co-Authorship of two persons is allowed.
  10. The entries submitted shall be original and the plagiarism norms of the UGC shall be applicable to the submissions.
  11. There is no publication fee.

Note: All the submissions shall be put to double stage blind peer review and only on the recommendations of the reviewers, the papers submitted shall be considered for e-publication. Only shortlisted manuscripts will be contacted via email. If you do not hear from us within six weeks of the deadline, please assume that your manuscript has not succeeded. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reply to individual queries about the status of their manuscript.

The theme of Winter 2020: Vol. I Issue II is: Recent Developments in Law

Some suggested sub-themes are:

  • Recently developing legal discourse (on topics like, but not restricted to, transformative constitutionalism, the effect of pandemics on legal systems, etc.)
  • Gender, culture and societal issues and their interconnection with the developing law.
  • Mental Health and the Justice System in India
  • Intellectual Property Rights and Regulatory System in India (Drug Patents, Invoking Patents Act for Covid Vaccine Production, etc.)
  • Virtual Litigation: Boon or Bane?

Please note that the above sub themes are merely indicative in nature and are not to be treated as compulsory requirements. Submissions can be made of the following nature:

  • Book Reviews: 1000 – 2000 words.
  • Case Commentaries: 1500 – 2500 words.
  • Legislative comments: 1500 – 2500 words.
  • Articles: 5000 – 8000 words (including footnotes)

Text Format: The length of the manuscript should not exceed 8000 words. Manuscripts shall be formatted according to the following guidelines.

  • It shall be in Microsoft word format and 1.5 line spacing.
  • All citations shall be placed in foot-notes.
  • All manuscripts should include an introduction and conclusion.
  • Number less than 100 shall be spelt out unless they are a percent (e.g., 5 percent).
  • Italics or quotes for emphasizing shall be used very sparingly.
  • Charts, graphs, etc., shall be used very sparingly.
  • Use of first person shall be avoided.
  • All pages shall be numbered.
  • It shall include an abstract of not more than 250 words, and are to be included with the final draft of paper.
  • Uniform date format shall be used (e.g., August 15, 1947).

Use of Footnotes:

Indraprastha Law Review prefers footnotes (to end notes) mainly because of the following reasons:

  • To identify the source of quotations or paraphrases;
  • To acknowledge indebtedness for words, phrases or ideas borrowed;
  • To explain where additional evidence or commentary may be found;
  • To provide additional material or discussion that is relevant but which would disrupt the flow of the text if it were included in the paper itself, and
  • To refer the reader to other parts of the paper
  • To enable the reader to read the reference without having to turn to the end of the text which would otherwise tend to disrupt the flow of the text and hamper smooth reading.

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