Call for Papers | VIPS Student Law Review [June 30, 2021]

Reported by Shreya Aggarwal

About Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS) is committed to realizing the words of Swami Vivekananda: “Man Making, Character Building and Nation Building”. Dr. S. C. Vats, Chairman, VIPS has set the motto of VIPS as “In pursuit of perfection”. Thus, VIPS is consistently striving for perfection. Prof R Venkata Rao, (Former VC, NLSIU), Chairperson, VSLLS and VSES, says Education is not information but formation- formation of a complete Human Being.

About VIPS Student Law Review

VIPS Student Law Review is student run Peer and Blind Reviewed Journal. The Journal runs under the faculty advisory committee of VSLLS, VIPS. It has been established with the objective of becoming a formidable instrument in taking the standard of legal research in country up by several notches. It is an annual, student edited journal focusing on inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches towards legal writing. The Journal aims to publish long articles/ short articles, case comments, book reviews/ legislation review on all aspects of law and related issues.

Categories for Submission

The Editorial Committee of VIPS Student Law Review is inviting quality research papers on law and legal policies including its allied branches from the legal fraternity:

♦  Research Scholars

♦  Students

♦  Professionals


The Review seeks to provide a platform for engaging in multi-disciplinary discussions on themes of law, society and justice. Research Articles should have proper research questions and should also reflect the findings. The submission can be sent under the following categories:

  1. Long Articles: Between 4000 to 6000 words, inclusive of footnotes.
  2. Short Articles: Between 3000 to 5000 words, inclusive of footnotes.
  3. Case Comments/Book Review/Legislation Review: Between 2000 – 3000 words, inclusive of footnotes.


Guidelines for Submissions

♦  Submissions should be in Times New Roman, 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing, justified text and 1 inch margins on all sides of an A4 sheet. The page number should be center aligned at the bottom of each page.

♦  Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing.

♦  Graphics, Charts, Tables, and Diagrams should be numbered consecutively and included in the body of the work. Submission must be compatible with Microsoft Word.

♦   All the submissions must be emailed at along with a cover page with the title of the research paper, Name of the author and Designation of the author. The research paper should not contain any reference to the identity of the author in order to enable anonymous screening and peer review.

♦  Each submission should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.

♦    The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.

♦  Submitted entries must not have been sent for consideration at any other place for presentation or publication. A declaration to the same effect must accompany each submission.

♦   Co-authorship is allowed. Maximum number of Co-authors for a submission shall be restricted to 2 (two).

♦  VIPS Student Law Review follows the Harvard Blue Book (19th Edition) citation style. Authors are requested to follow the same.

♦  Copyright of all the submissions shall exclusively vest with VLS, VIPS.

♦  Authors will be issued 5 (five) reprints of their article which can be used by them for all official purposes.

Opening Date of Submission:-

14th May, 2021

Closing Date of Submission:-

30th June, 2021

For more details, refer Call for papers 2021 VSLR

VIPS Student Law Review, Volume III shall be published in August, 2021. 


All Editorial Correspondence must be addressed to: The Editor

VIPS Student Law Review

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies AU-Block (Outer Ring Road), Pitampura, Delhi-110034

E-mail: Website:

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