Reduced GST Rates on goods being used in Covid-19 relief and management

The 44th GST Council Meeting has recommended the reduced GST rates on the specified items being used in Covid-19 relief and management

The 44th GST Council Meeting has recommended the reduced GST rates on the specified items being used in Covid-19 relief and management till September 30, 2021. The Press Release dated 12.06.2021 has provided the list of items and the reduced rates as tabled below:


S. No. Description Present GST Rate GST Rate recommended by GST Council
1 Tocilizumab 5% Nil
2 Amphotericin B 5% Nil
3 Anti-Coagulants like Heparin 12% 5%
4 Remdesivir 12% 5%
5 Any other drug recommended by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) and Dept. of Pharma (DoP) for Covid treatment Applicable Rate


6 Medical Grade Oxygen 12% 5%
7 Oxygen Concentrator/ Generator, including personal imports thereof 12% 5%
8 Ventilators 12% 5%
9 Ventilator masks / canula / helmet 12% 5%
10 BiPAP Machine 12% 5%
11 High flow nasal canula (HFNC) device 12% 5%
12 Covid Testing Kits 12% 5%
13 Specified Inflammatory Diagnostic Kits, namely D-Dimer, IL-6, Ferritin and LDH 12% 5%
14. Pulse Oximeters, incl personal imports thereof 12% 5%
15. Hand Sanitizer 18% 5%
16. Temperature check equipment 18% 5%
17. Gas/Electric/other furnaces for crematorium, including their installation, etc. 18% 5%
18. Ambulances 28% 12%

*Tanvi Singh, Editorial Assistant has put this story together.

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