SEBI issues circular on streamlining issuance of SCORES Authentication for companies intending to list their securities on SEBI recognized stock exchanges

SEBI has issued a Circular in order to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and

SEBI has issued a Circular in order to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market. The objective of the circular is to streamline the redressal of investor grievances against companies before listing.
SEBI has now introduced an online mechanism for obtaining SCORES credentials for all“ companies intending to list their securities on SEBI recognized stock exchanges”. The online form can be accessed on the SCORES website
Companies shall attach a declaration, with the online form, on the letter head of the company signed by the Compliance Officer, as under:
a. Companies intending to list on Main Board: A Declaration that the DRHP has been submitted with SEBI.
b. Companies intending to list on SME/Debt Platform of stock exchange: A Declaration that an application to list its securities has been submitted with the stock exchange/ in-principal approval to list its securities has been obtained from the stock exchange.
The SCORES credentials shall be sent to the e-mail id of the Compliance Officer /Dealing Officer as provided in the online form.
In view of the same, companies are no longer required to submit physical copy of Form -A or e-mail the same to SEBI, as provided in Circular No. CIR/OIAE/1/2014 dated December 18, 2014.

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