RGNUL International Visiting Scholars Program

Reported by Dikshi Arora



The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab has been providing quality legal education since 2006. Due to globalization and advancement of technology, legal education has undergone several changes. Keeping pace with time, RGNUL has been adopting the best practices. In order to meet the global demand of trained and competent legal professionals, RGNUL has formulated various policies and programs. The University has undertaken many new initiatives in the session 2021-22 and conducted diverse activities. Prof. G.S. Bajpai, Vice-Chancellor, RGNUL, said, “Innovative programs and new pedagogical practices at the university are a drive to move RGNUL to the international level. RGNUL will be research intensive institute in the coming years.”

Call for International Visiting Scholars Program

The university has recently instituted an International Visiting Scholars Program. This distinct residential program is open to scholars, academicians, legal policy makers and professionals from all over the globe. RGNUL shall fully and partially fund international scholars for pursuing comparative research and teaching. RGNUL International Visiting Scholars Program is specially designed for legal experts, researchers, eminent academicians, and is first of its kind to be introduced in Law School in India.

Duration & Seats

RGNUL shall host six (06) Visiting Scholars. Visiting scholars will be allowed for a period of one to six months, depending on the nature of proposal. Visiting Scholars program offers fully funded Visiting Program or partially funded Program, which will be decided on case-to-case basis. Visiting Scholars will be in residence at the Law School.

Application Requirement

Admission to the Visiting Scholars Program is highly competitive. An appointment as a Visiting Scholar requires a formal approval and is not automatic. Scholars are encouraged to apply for both fully funded and partially funded program separately. Send the following documents to visitingscholars@rgnul.ac.in.

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Areas of Interest
  • Research Proposal- The research proposal should be between 3-5 pages long and outline the area on which you intend to focus your research during the Program. The proposal should include the following sections – Research Title, Research Objective, Statement of the Problem and Research Plan, and Bibliography.

Priority will be given to those institutions for the scheme who would reciprocate for exchange of Faculty.

Assistance to the Visiting Scholars

  • RGNUL will provide accomodation
  • They will be given access to the library for pursuing research. This program will also promote faculty exchange. To ensure that faculty exchange runs properly, international institutes willing for the same shall be given priority as Visiting Scholars.
  • Selected International Visiting Scholars would be provided a round trip economy class fare, accommodation, and local hospitality.
  • Selection would be based on Research Proposal and Research Plan. RGNUL, Punjab will provide research space, Computer/lab with wi-fi, internet facility on campus and access to Library.
  • Research carrels and discussion rooms will be reserved on a short-term basis for the Visiting Scholars. During their residence the Visiting Scholars may participate in social gatherings and other cultural events with PhD Research Scholars, postgraduate and graduate students.


Applications will be accepted throughout the year. However Scholars must prefer commencing the program in July or February. Visiting Scholar applicants should ensure that they submit the applications by October, for Session commencing in February to July and by April, for the Session commencing July- December.

Funding policy and other details can be accessed Here

Contact Details

Application details and procedure will be available at www.rgnul.ac.in. For any information you can write to the coordinator Visiting Scholar Program at the email visitingscholars@rgnul.ac.in.

Phone: +91 0175 2391200

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