Call for Blogs | NUALS Law Journal Blog [ Rolling Submissions]

Reported by Sneha TS

About the University
The National University of Advanced Legal Studies, formerly National Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, is a university in Kochi, India for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate legal education. It is the only National Law University in the state of Kerala.

About the Journal
The NUALS Law Journal (ISSN Number 2319-8273) is the flagship law review of the National University of Advanced Legal Studies. Further details are available on the website.

About the Blog
The NUALS Law Journal Blog shall accept submissions from students, legal academicians, and practitioners on a rolling basis, including (but not limited to) articles, research pieces, opinions, case comments and short notes on any contemporary subject matter related to all the areas of law.

Guidelines for contributions
Authorship: Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed. Refrain from mentioning the name, institutional affiliation, or any other details of the author(s) in the document to facilitate the double-blind review process.

Originality: All works must be original and unpublished. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification from publication on the Blog.

Length: The word limit for the manuscript is 1500 words. This word limit is exclusive of the endnotes (if any). Longer posts may be accepted and published in parts subject to the discretion of the editors – please discuss the same with the Board of Editors.

Font and spacing: The title of the post should be formatted to Garamond font size 14, All Caps and in bold. The main body of the text should be formatted to Garamond font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.

Referencing: All references must be in the form of hyperlinks in the body of the submission. Hyperlinks should be provided to all supporting materials and legal texts for the benefit of the readers. In case no hyperlink is available for any reference, the use of endnotes is recommended. No speaking endnotes or footnotes are allowed.

Submissions: Submissions must be in a Word format (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’). Ensure that the title of the document has been renamed to the title of the post. To submit a post for consideration, please fill the Google Form which can be accessed by clicking here.

Review Process

  • All manuscripts will go through a double-blind peer review.
  • The review process of each manuscript may take up to 10 days, though the Board of Editors shall endeavour to respond back to the author(s) within a week.
  • Please note that the Board will directly provide the decision to accept or reject the manuscript. The amendments and suggestions, if any, shall be communicated to the authors at the earliest convenience.
  • If the manuscript has been selected for publication, the authors will be expected to perform any necessary revision in good faith. Authors are also expected to be cooperative when it comes to minor editorial changes which might be necessary even after the submission of the edited manuscript by the author(s).

If there are any doubts, the board can be contacted at

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